Confirmed international speakers

Chronis Tzedakis

Chair of Physical Geography, University College London (UK).

His research centres on understanding the response of vegetation to variations in climatic forcing on orbital and millennial timescales over the Quaternary period. An underlying theme is the linking of terrestrial, marine and ice-core records to assess how land events relate to atmospheric and ocean changes.

Martin Grosjean

Director of the Oeschger Center for Climate Change Research, Universität Bern (DE).

Member of the PAGES Scientific Steering Committee

PAGES (Past Global Changes) is an international effort to coordinate and promote past global change research. The primary objective is to improve our understanding of past changes in the Earth system in order to improve projections of future climate and environment, and inform strategies for sustainability

Emilie Capron

CNRS research scientist at the Institute of Environnemental Geosciences (FR).

Her research aims to reconstruct climate dynamics over the past 2 Ma using polar ice core datasets and linking them to other natural archives and to modelling exercises.

Lucas Lourens

Professor of paleoclimatology, Utrecht University (NL).

His research investigate the influence and evolution of astronomically-forced climate changes during the Greenhouse and Icehouse Worlds of the Cenozoic. He contributed significantly to the advancement of cyclostratigraphic concepts and to the development of astronomical solutions for the calibration of the sedimentary record.