

Privacy Regulation and Firm Performance: Estimating the GDPR Effect Globally,  with Carl Benedikt Frey

Economic Inquiry (2024)

Gain or Pain? The Impact of Non-Tariff Measures , Plants' Productivity and Markups, with Massimiliano Cali and Marco Le Moglie

Review of International Economics (2024)

Energy Prices and Firms' Economic Performance in Emerging Countries, with Cali, M., Cantore, N., Marin G., Mazzanti, M., Nicolli, F.

Structural Change and Economic Dynamics (2023): 357-366.

Disease and Democracy: Political Regimes and Countries Responsiveness to Covid-19, with Chinchih Chen and Carl Frey

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 212 (2023): 290-299. 

Institutions, Holdup and Automation

Industrial and Corporate Change, Volume 32, Issue 4, August 2023, Pages 831–847

Automation or Globalization? The Impacts of Robots and Chinese Imports on Jobs in the United Kingdom, with Chinchih Chen and Carl Frey

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 204 (2022): 528-542.

Too Much Energy: The Perverse Effect of Low Fuel Prices on Firms, with Massimiliano Cali, Nicola Cantore, Leonardo Iacovone and Mariana Pereira-Lopez

Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 111 (2022): 102587.

Culture and Contagion: Individualism and Compliance with COVID-19 Policy, with Chinchih Chen and Carl Frey

Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 190 (2021): 191-200.

Labour Reallocation in Recessions and Recovery: Evidence for Europe, with Eric Bartelsman and Paloma Lopez-Garcia

National Institute Economic Review, February 2019

Measuring 'Indirect' Investment in ICT in OECD Countries, with Gilbert Cette, Jimmy Lopez and Vincenzo Spiezia

Economics of Innovation and New Technology, July 2018

Working Papers

Robots For Economic Development, 2023 (under revision)

with Massimiliano Cali

Selected Press Coverage: 

Product Market Monopolies and Labor Market Monopsonies, 2024 (new draft)

with Massimiliano Cali

World Bank - Policy Research Working Papers; 10388

Selected Press Coverage: 

Death of Distance? Remote Collaboration and Productivity in Scientific Research, 2024

with Carl Benedikt Frey

The Elusive Impact of Corporate Tax Incentives, 2024

with Massimiliano Cali & Thiago Scot

Data-Biased Innovation: Directed Technological Change and the Future of Artificial Intelligence, 2024

with  Pia Andres and Carl Benedikt Frey 

Work in Progress

Who Benefits From New Technologies? The Impact of Technoloogy on Firms' Price Markup and Marginal Cost (with Dewitte, R. &

Theodorakopoulos, A.)

Remote Control: Aligning Incentives in a World of Remote Work, with Pia Andres & Carl Benedikt Frey

Inactive Working Papers

Disrupting Science, 2022

with Carl Benedikt Frey

OMPTEC Working Paper N. 2022-4

Selected Press Coverage: 

Automation and Manufacturing Performance in a Developing Country, 2021

with Massimiliano Cali

OMPTEC Working Paper No. 2021-1

Cyclical and Structural Variation in Resource Allocation: Evidence for Europe, 2019 

with Eric Bartelsman and Paloma Lopez-Garcia

ECB Working Paper No. 2210