Math Olympiad (Under Construction)

This is the webpage of the Italian Olympiads of Mathematics.
This is the webpage of the International Mathematical Olympiads (IMO).
I strongly believe in this project :)

When I was a student in the high school I participated as a contestant - with the Italian team, of course - to several international mathematical competitions.
When I was a student at the University I actively took part in the organization of several stages addressed to the selection of the Italian team for the IMO.
I also gave (more than fifteen) lectures in high schools all around Italy about topics related to Mathematical Olympiads.

In the future, I will add here some of the stuff I collected in the past years about Olympiads.

Old website (in Italian) in which I uploaded some stuff about Math Olympiads and my first years at the University in Pisa

PS: All the photos in the website are taken by me (except one!) :) v1