Gioacchino Antonelli
Since September 2022 I am an Assistant Professor/Courant Instructor at the Courant Institute (NYU)

I am on the job market for positions starting Fall 2025

In July 2022 I defended my PhD thesis at Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS, Pisa) under the supervision of prof. Luigi Ambrosio and prof. Enrico Le Donne

Starting Fall 2023 I am a co-organizer of Courant Geometric Analysis & Topology Seminar

Research Interests
I enjoy thinking about problems with a geometric flavour. In particular, I am interested in the field of Geometric Analysis in a broad sense.
In my work I have been using techniques from SubRiemannian geometry, Geometric Measure Theory, and Geometric Group Theory.
Some of my research topics are:

Some Links:
1. Courant Geometric Analysis & Topology Seminar
2. A course in subRiemannian geometry on YouTube given by Prof. Le Donne in Spring 2021 at University of Fribourg.  More information, along with Lecture notes (in progress), can be found here