Gino Gancia

Professor of Economics

University of Milano-Bicocca

CEPR Research Fellow

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Research Interests: International Trade, Economic Growth and Income Distribution, Macroeconomics

Editor, Review of Economic Dynamics

Working Papers

- Artificial Intelligence and Jobs: Evidence from US Commuting Zones (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Ioannis Papadakis), CEPR DP 18495, February 2024 

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- Firms and Economic Performance: a View form Trade (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Rosario Crinò), CEPR DP 12829, this version, March 2023 

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- Robot Imports and Firm-Level Outcomes (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Harald Fadinger) The Economic Journal, 2024

-  Globalization and Political Structure (with Giacomo Ponzetto and Jaume Ventura) Journal of the European Economic Association 20(3), 1276-1310, 2022

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- International Trade with Heterogeneous Firms: Theory and Evidence (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Rosario Crinò) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, Oxford University Press, 2022  

- Economic Uncertainty and Structural Reforms (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Rosario Crinò) Quantitative Economics 13, 467–504, 2022 

Read a non-technical summary on Vox, Nada Es Gratis (in Spanish) and (in Italian); Finalist for the 2016 prize Vanguardia de la Ciencia: press coverage in Spanish here and here 

- Robots, Offshoring and Welfare (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli, Rosario Crinò and Ioannis Papadakis) Robots and AI: a New Economic Era (L.Y. Ing and G.M. Grossman eds.), Routledge, 2022

- Concentration in International Markets: Evidence from US Imports (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Rosario Crinò) Journal of Monetary Economics 121, 19-39, 2021 

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- A Theory of Economic Unions (with Giacomo Ponzetto and Jaume Ventura) Journal of Monetary Economics 109,  107-127, 2020

- Who is Afraid of Machines? (with Sotiris Blanes and Sang Yoon (Tim) Lee), Economic Policy 34,  627-690, 2019 

- Heterogeneity, Selection and Labor Market Disparities (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli),  Review of Economic Dynamics 31, 305-325, 2019

Read a non-technical summary on Vox and Nada Es Gratis (in Spanish) 

- Trade, Finance and Endogenous Firm Heterogeneity (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Rosario Crinò), Journal of the European Economic Association, 17(1), 79-130, 2019 

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- Betting on Exports: Trade and Endogenous Heterogeneity (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli and Rosario Crinò), The Economic Journal 128, 612-651, 2018

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- Global Imbalances Revisited: The Transfer Problem and Transport Costs in Monopolistic Competition (with Paolo Epifani) Journal of International Economics, 108, 99-116, 2017

- Offshoring and Directed Technical Change (with Daron Acemoglu and Fabrizio Zilibotti) American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, 7(3): 84-122, 2015 

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- Growth, Selection and Appropriate Contracts (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli), Review of Economic Dynamics 17(1), 21-38, 2014 

- Uncertainty, Electoral Incentives and Political Myopia (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli), The Economic Journal 123, 373-400, 2013

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- Structural Development Accounting (with Andreas Muller and Fabrizio Zilibotti) Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Theory and Applications (D. Acemoglu, M. Arellano and E. Dekel eds.), Tenth World Congress of the Econometric Society, 373-418, 2013

- Competing Engines of Growth: Innovation and Standardization (with Daron Acemoglu and Fabrizio Zilibotti)  Journal of Economic Theory 147(2), 570-601, 2012

- Trade, Markup Heterogeneity and Misallocation (with Paolo Epifani) Journal of International Economics 83(1), 1-13, 2011 (Lead article)

- Technological Change and the Wealth of Nations (with Fabrizio Zilibotti) Annual Review of Economics 1, 93-120, 2009 

- Openness, Government Size and the Terms of Trade (with Paolo Epifani) Review of Economic Studies 76, 629–668, 2009

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- North-South Trade and Directed Technical Change (with Alessandra Bonfiglioli),  Journal of International Economics 76, 276-295, 2008 

- The Skill Bias of World Trade (with Paolo Epifani) Economic Journal, 118, 927-960, 2008

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- Increasing Returns, Imperfect Competition and Factor Prices (with Paolo Epifani) Review of Economics and Statistics 88, 583-598, 2006 (Lead article)

- Horizontal Innovation in the Theory of Growth and Development (with Fabrizio Zilibotti) Handbook of Economic Growth (P. Aghion and S. Durlauf eds.) 2005

- Trade, Migration and Regional Unemployment (with Paolo Epifani) Regional Science and Urban Economics 35, 625-644, 2005

Other Writings

- Discussion of 'FDI In‡ows and Domestic Firms: Adjustments to New Export Opportunities' by B. McCaig, N. Pavcnik and W. F. Wong, workshop on Firms Labor Markets and Development, CCA, June 2023

- Discussion of ‘What Are the Labor and Product Market Effects of Automation? New Evidence from France‘ by P. Aghion, C. Antonin, S. Bunel and X. Jaravel, ASSA, January 2023

- Discussion of ‘Free and Protected: Trade and Breaks in Long-Term Persistence‘ by S. Ellingsen, QMUL, May 2021

- Comments on 'Growth and Productivity: Can Digital Technologies Deliver?' ECB, July 2019

- Discussion of ‘Uneven Growth in the Extensive Margin: Explaining the Lag of Agricultural Economies‘ by G. Ourens, ESSIM, May 2019

- Comments on ‘The Cost of Non-Europe, Revisited‘ by T. Mayer, V. Vicard and S. Zignago, Prepared for Economic Policy  

- Discussion of ‘Firms’ Heterogeneity and the Return to Cognitive Skills‘ by M. J. Bohm, K. Esmkhani and G. Gallipoli, June 2018 

- Discussion of ‘How Costly Are Markups?‘ by C. Edmond, V. Midrigan and D.Y. Xu, May 2018

- Comments on ‘The Costs and Benefits of Leaving the EU: Trade Effects‘,  by S. Dhingra, H. Huang, G. Ottaviano, J.P. Pessoa, T. Sampson, J. Van Reenen, Prepared for Economic Policy

- Discussion of ‘Trade, Technology and the Great Divergence‘ by K. H. O’Rourke, A. S. Rahman and A. M. Taylor, November 2016

- Comments on 'Global Liquidity and Cross-Border Bank Flows' by E. Cerutti, S. Claessens, and L. Ratnovski, Prepared for Economic Policy

- Globalization, Technology and Inequality  Els Opuscles del CREI November 2012


DEMS - University of Milan, Bicocca 

School of Economics and Finance, QMUL