
Welcome to the Ginnings Elementary Art Class! We are all little artists in the art room, and love to learn about new ways to create, make messes, and grow from our mistakes. Our artists are creative, resourceful, imaginative, and experimental. We believe in the Beautiful Oops at Ginnings Elementary, and our artists are encouraged to make masterpieces AND messterpieces.

My classroom phone number is 940-369-2733, and I can also be reached by email: rlaxalt@dentonisd.org. My conference time is 2:00 pm - 2:40 pm.

Join us on Instagram @ginningselemartroom to see what your students are up to in the art room! 

Specials 2023-2024 Newsletter

Get to know the Specials Teachers! 

Specials News-2.pdf

Specials Scope and Sequence Links: 

PE, Art, Music, Library

Specials News-3.pdf

 Art Mission Statement: 

We will look at, learn about, and practice different types of Art and the language around Art. We will use many different techniques, media and artistic processes in art class.