Graduate Inter-university Math Seminars


The aim of the GIM Seminars is to provide a place for graduate students to interact and to present new/interesting developments from their areas of interest. This cycle of seminars is organized by graduate students, and is intended for a graduate student audience. The speakers should present facts from any area of mathematics in a way that students from different backgrounds can follow. Also, our meetings are informal and questions from the audience are encouraged.

Are you interested? Come get in shape to the GIM Seminar!


Seminars are held online and run twice a month on Friday at 17:30 CET (8:30 PT, 11:30 EDT). Go to this page for more details.

No registration is required and the link to the meetings can be found here.


You can catch up on the past seminars on our YouTube channel!

Next Seminar

See you the next Fall with new exciting seminars!

Come here and see the talks of last year!

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