Gihyun Kwon

Ph.D. candidate in KAIST  

Dept. of Bio & Brain Engineering

advised by Professor Jong Chul Ye 


prev. Research Intern @ Adobe


Ph. D. in Bio & Brain Engineering

M.S. in Electrical Engineering

B.S. in Electronic Engineering


Concept Weaver: Enabling Multi-Concept Fusion in Text-to-Image Models

Gihyun Kwon, Simon Jenni, Joon-young Lee, Jong Chul Ye, Fabian Caba Heilbron

IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 2024) 


Contrastive Denoising Score for Text-guided Latent Diffusion Image Editing  

Hyelin Nam, Gihyun Kwon, Geon Yeong Park, Jong Chul Ye 

IEEE / CVF Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Conference (CVPR 2024) 

[Arxiv] [Github] 

ED-NeRF: Efficient Text-guided Editing of 3D Scene using Latent Space NeRF 

Jangho Park*, Gihyun Kwon*, Jong Chul Ye (co-fist authors)

The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024) 


Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation via Neural Schrödinger Bridge

Beomsu Kim*, Gihyun Kwon*, Kwanyoung Kim, Jong Chul Ye (co-fist authors)

The Twelfth International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR 2024) 

[Arxiv] [Github]

Patch-wise Graph Contrastive Learning for Image Translation 

Chanyong Jung, Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye 

Thirty-Eighth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2024) 

[Arxiv] [Github] 

One-Shot Adaptation of GAN in Just One CLIP  

Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye 

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (TPAMI), 2023  

[Arxiv] [Github] [IEEE]

Diffusion-based Image Translation using Disentangled Style and Content Representation

Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye 

The Eleventh International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2023

[Arxiv] [Github]

CLIPstyler: Image Style Transfer with a Single Text Condition

Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye 

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , CVPR 2022

[CVF] [Arxiv]  [Github]  [Demo]

Exploring Patch-wise Semantic Relation for Contrastive Learning in Image-to-Image Translation Tasks 

Chanyong Jung*, Gihyun Kwon*, Jong Chul Ye  ( *co-first authors)

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition , CVPR 2022

[CVF] [Arxiv] [Github]

Diagonal Attention and Style-based GAN for Content-Style Disentanglement in Image Generation and Translation 

Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision , ICCV 2021

[CVF]  [Arxiv]  [Github]

Generation of 3D brain MRI using auto-encoding generative adversarial networks 

Gihyun Kwon, Chihye Han, Dae-shik Kim

International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention , MICCAI 2019

[Arxiv]  [Springer]  [Github]

Progressive face super-resolution via attention to facial landmark 

Deokyun Kim*, Minseon Kim*, Gihyun Kwon*, Dae-shik Kim  ( *co-first authors)

British Machine Vision Conference , BMVC 2019

[Arxiv] [Github]

Representation of white-and black-box adversarial examples in deep neural networks and humans: A functional magnetic resonance imaging study 

Chihye Han, Wonjun Yoon, Gihyun Kwon, Daeshik Kim, Seungkyu Nam 

International Joint Conference on Neural Networks , IJCNN 2019



Unified Editing of Panorama, 3D Scenes, and Videos Through Disentangled Self-Attention Injection

Gihyun Kwon, Jangho Park,  Jong Chul Ye

Arxiv, 2024


Improving Diffusion-based Image Translation using Asymmetric Gradient Guidance

Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

Arxiv, 2023

[Arxiv] [Github]

Zero-shot Generation of Coherent Storybook from Plain Text Story using Diffusion Models

Hyeonho Jeong, Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye 

Arxiv, 2023


Research Experiences

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