GIFT Call for Papers

Call for Papers

The Group Interaction Frontiers in Technology (GIFT) workshop aims to bring together researchers from diverse fields related to group interaction, team dynamics, people analytics, multi-modal speech and language processing, social psychology, and organizational behaviour.

The workshop will provide a unique opportunity to researchers to share their knowledge and gain insights outside their respective fields and will hopefully lead to inter-disciplinary networking and fruitful collaboration.

Recent technological advances allow for novel ways of group analysis. This fact is attested by the rapid growth of fields such as People Analytics and Human Resource Analytics, which in turn have grown out of many decades of research in social psychology, organizational behaviour, computing, and network science, amongst other fields. The workshop will serve as a venue for presenting recent advances in core technologies as well as experimental studies and analyses.

The technical scope of the workshop includes, but it is not limited to:

  • multi-modal small group interaction
  • machine learning for small groups
  • small group productivity and efficiency
  • speech and language processing for groups
  • face and gesture recognition for groups
  • conversation analysis
  • people analytics and human resource analytics
  • computer-supported cooperative work
  • technologies for supporting group interaction
  • mathematical and computational models of group dynamics
  • social network theory for small groups
  • game-theoretic models of small group interaction
  • complexity theory for small groups
  • social psychological models of small groups
  • empirical studies of team dynamics
  • organizational behaviour


The program committee welcomes paper submissions with a maximum length of 8 pages (not including references), formatted according to the ICMI submission guidelines. Submissions can be made through EasyChair at the link below. The technical committee will select papers for poster presentations. Accepted papers will be published in the ICMI 2018 proceedings. Reviewing will be double-blind; accordingly, paper submissions should not include the authors' names and affiliations.

Submit via EasyChair at

Important Dates

July 23 July 31, 2018: Initial paper submission deadline (title and authors should not be changed after this date)

August 24, 2018: Notification of paper acceptance

October 16, 2018: GIFT Workshop at ICMI