.Gif Animation

Exploring Gif animations in Communication and Education

ETEC 565M - A1 Assignment

Learn about Gif animations and how mobile devices can ease development and use within education.

Watch the Pecha Kucha video below to learn more. The visuals in this video, as well as the video itself were compiled and developed using the capabilities of an iPhone SE with Apple's IOS 11 software and available applications.

To learn more about Pecha Kucha style presentations, check out this link: http://www.pechakucha.org/

Pecha Kucha presentations have 20 images, with 20 seconds of audio for each image.

The Pecha Kucha presentation style was chosen for this project because of it's ability to be concise, yet powerful - similar to Gifs.

Music courtesy of: https://www.bensound.com

This website and the video above are intended for educational purposes only.