Privacy Policy


GIF of the Day is an iOS app created as a side project by a single developer in order to learn iOS programming. The developer has no interest in collecting personal information, and cares about and respects the privacy of the app's users.

Information Being Collected

The only information collected and stored by GIF of the Day is an Apple Push Notification service (APNs) device token that is unique to both the device and an app. This token is only created and stored when a user opts into push notifications.

GIF of the Day stores device tokens securely. However, in the event of a leak, a device token on its own does not provide any information about the user or device it corresponds to—a device token is a seemingly arbitrary string of numbers and letters. Since GIF of the Day sends no user-specific notifications, no personal information about a user is stored alongside device tokens.

Changes to this Policy

All changes to the policy will be posted here. Summary of changes so far:

  • November 13, 2021: policy first published.