Human Trafficking

What can you do to help?


The main focus of my capstone project was to inform myself and advocated for victims of human trafficking. I believe that people should care about my project because most of everything we own is made using human trafficking and it is important to know were things we use everyday orginate from. Think of it this way, most people at some point in their life go on diet because they find out how their food is killed or because they dont agree with the way animals are treated. Why dont we do the same with everything else? This topic is important to me because knowing where the items in my house come from and how they were made is the first step to beginning to end the problem. I decided that for my project I would begin to do research before I interview anyone just so that I would understand and know more, I then began setting up an interview, attending Human Trafficking Council Meetings and making posters. In the end, I found out many mind boggling information that you can find in my deliverables, essay etc. I am now glad to say that I will continue to advocate for victims of human trafficking and doing more and more research.