Selected talks

“Model Theory” special session of the 2ND AMS-UMI International Joint Meeting.

Palermo, Italy, 23-26.07.2024.

Around first-order rigidity of Coxeter groups.

Computable Structure Theory and Interactions.

Vienna, Austria, 15-17.07.2024.

Computable Scott sentences and the weak Whitehead problem for finitely presented groups.

2024 Descriptive Set Theory, Borel Combinatorics, and Dynamics.

Tianjin, China, 17-21.06.2024.

The isomorphism problem for oligomorphic groups.

Beijing Logic Meeting 2023.

Beijing, China, 24-28.07.2023.

Classification problems in torsion-free abelian groups.

16th International Luminì Workshop in Set Theory.

Luminì, France, 13-17.09.2021.

Torsion-free abelian groups are Borel complete.

Catania Set Theory and Topology Conference 2020.

Catania, Italy, 18-21.02.2019.

On the admissibility of a Polish group topology.

Joint Meeting of the Italian Mathematical Union, the SIMAI and the Polish Mathematical Society, special session “Set Theory and Topology”.

Wrocław, Poland, 17-20.09.18.

On a cardinal invariant related to the Haar measure problem.

Logic Colloquium 2018, special session “Model Theory”.

Udine, Italy, 23-28.07.18.

On the admissibility of a Polish group topology and some results in reconstruction theory.

Young Set Theory Workshop 2018.

Bernoulli Center, Lausanne, Switzerland, 25-29.06.18.

On the admissibility of a Polish group topology and other things.