Giacomo Gabbuti

Post-Doc Researcher of Economic History at Sant'Anna, Pisa - Inequality, Social Mobility, Fascism, Italy, and similarly funny stuff

Welcome! I am Giacomo Gabbuti, a Postdoctoral Fellow (Assegnista di ricerca) at the Institute of Economics of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa - you can find my full CV here.

This website is mainly about my research, currently mostly focused on the history of economic inequality and intergenerational mobility in modern Italy, and the economic history of the Italian Fascist regime.

I plan to make soon available some resources on these topics I have digitised or found in the deepest corners of the web, and to upload some material from my teaching; meanwhile, you can find here some (hopefully!) interesting links.  

Enjoy it, and feel free to get in contact!

NEW WORKING PAPER: Wars, Depression, and Fascism: Income Inequality in Italy, 1900-1950, DT-EHV 2024/01 (with María Gómez León)

The cover image reproduce a painting by the Italian futurist painter Tato (Guglielmo Sansoni, 1896-1974), Sorvolando in spirale il Colosseo (1930).