Palmer - Latin American Literature Research Project

Latin American Literature

Junior Thesis: Author Study

Due: January 25, 2017

Here is the example I provided in class with the specific search subject of "Pablo Neruda"

Historical Research:

country/region from which your writer originates:

Biography in Context (MCL database)

Using this database confirmed the author's country of origin

information about the founding of the nation:

WebPath Express - Chile - I chose to look at the article on this website because

it provided a dateline of the country's history and key words to search for when

reading other articles about Chile


WebPath Express - Chile - I chose to look at the article on this website because

it provided details on the country's history

native populations:

CultureGrams (MCL database)

Socio/Political Research:

social/political conditions that exist(ed) when your writer was alive:

OSLIS - Gale Virtual Reference Library - eBooks

I chose to look at the reference books related to European history

events/environments that provided the backdrop for your author’s work:

Biography in Context (MCL database)

Remember to start with your research subject's LAST name (Neruda, Pablo)

After reading one or two biographical articles, look through other sources such as

magazine articles and journal articles.

ways to understand a story through the conditions that created it:

Literature Resource Center (MCL database)

Set up exactly as Biography in Context; this database will provide literature criticism

articles that can offer insight into the conditions that led to the creation of a particular


Literary Analysis:

MLA format, in-text citation:

Purdue OWL:

* Citing multiple works by the same author

Citing sources:


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