How many badges to I need to earn?

For the 2017/2018 school year, you only have to earn one badge set each semester. That means, complete the Kyte tutorial course and the corresponding Practical Project Course. You'll actually end up with 2 badges and certificates each semester! Woot! Extra awesomeness!

If I'm doing TSIP this year, do I still have to earn badges?

If you're enrolled in TSIP, that's your focus for this year! At the end, you will get a badge for your efforts, but you don't HAVE to complete any other courses. Of course, you still can!

What if I attended training with my ITRT or another teacher?

That's awesome! If you attended a training in person, that certainly counts. You are welcome to skip all of the videos and/or activities in the corresponding Kyte Tutorial course. Skip right to the assessment. Of course, you can also review videos and course materials if there's something that wasn't covered in your training or if you just want to review.

What if I want to learn about something that isn't assigned to me?

That's awesome! Feel free! If it's something you think should count for one of your required badges, send an email to your ITRT. It can possibly be added to your "Assigned to Me" list. And even if not, it's still going to earn you a badge and some points!

If a course is assigned to me, does that mean I HAVE to take it?

Nope! Those are recommended courses. Your 2 required courses DO have to come from that list, but you certainly don't have to complete everything on it!

How do I know how many PD points I'm earning?

Easy! In Kyte Learning, click on your profile, and then look at "Completed". You can click on "View Certificate" for any course. The number of hours = the number of recertification points you've earned!

Wait... Did that change??

YES! In order to give you more credit for your hard work, and to make it easy to calculate your points, the numbers have changed slightly. Now you get credit for BOTH the Kyte Tutorial Course and the Practical Project Course!

If I earned a badge before the 2017/18 school year, do I need to do it again in the new system?

No! If you look in your "Completed" tab and/or your "Achievements" tab, you should see badges and certificates for everything you've already earned. If anything seems to be missing, just contact your ITRT!