Always put your goal a bit higher than it should be.  Don’t try to get evidence, try to contact the other side. 


S1E1: THIRTEEN - Justice for Louiza Fox (Facebook)
S1E1:  THIRTEEN - Justice for Louiza Fox (YouTube)

S1E2: BIBLE - Hunter's Ghost (Facebook)
S1E2: BIBLE - Hunter's Ghost (YouTube)

S1E3: YELLOWBIRD - Freddie's Birthday Party (Facebook)
S1E3: YELLOWBIRD - Freddie's Birthday Party (YouTube)

S1E4: LAB NIGHT (part one) - Beginnings (Facebook)
S1E4: LAB NIGHT (part one) - Beginnings - YouTube Version

S1E5: SLEEP - Maud Sleep murder case (Facebook)
S1E5: SLEEP - Maud Sleep murder case (YouTube)

S1E6: COMPANY - Sara Bowker guest (Facebook)
S1E6: COMPANY - Sara Bowker guest (YouTube)

S1E7: DRAGON - St. Albans Sanatorium (Facebook)
S1E7: DRAGON - St. Albans Sanatorium (YouTube)

S1E8:  MOMMY - Megan Erl (PMS) & Laura Redmond (Facebook)
S1E8:  MOMMY - Megan Erl (PMS) & Laura Redmond (YouTube)

S1E9: WATCHER - Robert Crosby (Facebook)
S1E9: WATCHER - Robert Crosby (YouTube)

S1E10: BLUEBEARD - Nick Hanson (Facebook)
S1E10: BLUEBEARD - Nick Hanson (YouTube)

S1E11: SOLDIER - Mark Schwabe & Dean (Facebook)
S1E11: SOLDIER - Mark Schwabe & Dean (YouTube)

S1E12: WONDERLAND - with Greg Kos (Facebook)
S1E12: WONDERLAND - with Greg Kos (YouTube)

S1E13: ANCIENT SPIRITS - First ten minutes (Facebook)
S1E13: ANCIENT SPIRITS - St. Augustine (Facebook)
S1E13: ANCIENT SPIRITS - St. Augustine (YouTube)


S2E0: THE FOOL - Nostradamus & SCRYING (Facebook)
S2E0: THE FOOL - YouTube Version

S2E1: THE MAGICIAN - with Vince Wilson (Facebook)
S2E1: THE MAGICIAN - YouTube Version

S2E2 - THE HIGH PRIESTESS - with Victoria Mundae (Facebook)
S2E2 - THE HIGH PRIESTESS - YouTube Version

S2E3 - THE EMPRESS - with Kathi Kresol & Sara Bowker (Facebook)
S2E3 - THE EMPRESS - YouTube Version

S2E4 - THE EMPEROR - with Victoria Mundae (Facebook)
S2E4 - THE EMPEROR - YouTube Version

S2E5 - THE HIEROPHANT - Alden School House (Facebook)
S2E5 - THE HIEROPHANT - YouTube Version

S2E6 - THE LOVERS - Victoria Mundae & with Sylvia Shults (Facebook)
S2E6 - THE LOVERS - YouTube Version

S2E7 - THE CHARIOT - video with Sara B. & Sylvia Schults (Facebook)
S2E7 - THE CHARIOT - YouTube Version
S2E7 - THE CHARIOT II - with Sara B, Mark S, Victoria M. (Facebook)
S2E7 - THE CHARIOT II - YouTube Version

S2E8 - STRENGTH - with Dale Kaczmarek (Facebook)
S2E8 - STRENGTH - YouTube Version

S2E9 - THE HERMIT - with Jeff Mudgett (Facebook)
S2E9 - THE HERMIT - YouTube Version

S2E10 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE - with Laura Redmond (Facebook)
S2E10 - WHEEL OF FORTUNE - YouTube Version

S2E11 - JUSTICE - with Mike Arians (Facebook)
S2E11 - JUSTICE - with Mike Arians - YouTube Version

S2E12 - THE HANGED MAN - with Gary Hill (Facebook)
S2E12 - THE HANGED MAN - YouTube Version

S2E13 - DEATH - with Dale Kaczmarek (Facebook)
S2E13 - DEATH - YouTube Version

S2E14 - TEMPERANCE with Sarah Jane (Facebook)
S2E14 - TEMPERANCE - YouTube Version 

S2E15 - THE DEVIL - with Saul Ravencraft (Facebook)
S2E15 - THE DEVIL - YouTube Version

S2E16 - THE TOWER - with Victoria Mundae (Facebook)
S2E16 - THE TOWER - YouTube Version 

S2E17 - THE STAR - with Robin Wilt (Facebook)
S2E17 - THE STAR - YouTube Version

S2E18 - THE MOON - Tribute to Linda Godfrey with Dale Kaczmarek & Greg Kos
S2E18 - THE MOON - YouTube Version

S2E19 - THE SUN - LAB NIGHT with Ghost Head Soup (Facebook)
S2E19 - THE SUN - YouTube Version

S2E20 - JUDGEMENT - with Steve Litteral & the BELL WITCH (Facebook)
S2E20 - JUDGEMENT - YouTube Version

S2E21 - THE WORLD - with Bob Davies (Facebook)
S2E21 - THE WORLD - YouTube Version


S3E1: LAB NIGHT - (Facebook)
S3E1: LAB NIGHT - (YouTube)

S3E2: CINDY HEINEN - (Facebook)
S3E2: CINDY HEINEN - (YouTube)

S3E3: DALE KACZMAREK - (Facebook)

S3E4: LAB NIGHT - (Facebook)
S3E4: LAB NIGHT - (YouTube)

S3E5: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (Facebook)
S3E5: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (YouTube)

S3E6: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (Facebook)
S3E6: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (YouTube)

S3E7: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (Facebook)
S3E7: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (YouTube)

S3E8: BECKY VICKERS - Alabama Prelude & Goat man's Bridge

S3E9: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (Facebook)
S3E9: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (YouTube)

S3E10: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (Facebook)
S3E10: TINKER SWISS - with Samantha Hochmann (YouTube)

S3E11: LAB NIGHT - (Facebook)
S3E11: LAB NIGHT - (YouTube)

S3E12: LOOSE ENDS - (Facebook)
S3E12: LOOSE ENDS - You Tube Version

S3E13: CHRIS FLEMING - (Facebook)
S3E13: CHRIS FLEMING - YouTube Version

Ghost Head Soup - Paranormal Researchers:

On December 16, 2010 an email was received announcing that "We are Ghost Head Soup." Nick, George, Mark, Tim and Dean.  

We were actually transitioning from other teams to form the Soup, but it didn't take long to realize the synergy between the five of us....we referred to ourselves as the "Council of 5." 

In addition to the Council of 5, we had added more ingredients to the soup. One person that was there from the beginning is Jeremy. Melissa & Laura completed the Alden Chapter of Ghost Head Soup, along with our most recent addition, Amanda.

An early quote from George circa 2010: 

" I want those dark and terrible things that we hunt afraid of us, too. When the lights go out... WE are the baddest thing in the room." G.

Enjoy our soup du jour! 

There is a slight edit needed while reading:  "Earlier Kathi had mentioned that the girl was drenched in a gown and her hair was covering her face. The description of the way Alma was killed is pretty graphic, but would explain why her spirit wouldn't remember her name and would appear to Kathi the way that she did. 

Randolph County Infirmary

Laura and Dean head to Winchester, IN, home of the Randolph County Infirmary for an evening of paranormal exploration. 

Arriving early, they drove down the side streets behind the beaten path, when Dean spotted one of them Christmas inflatable Penguins lying face down in the dirt.  "That ain't right" Dean exclaimed. Later in the evening as Greg Kos was setting up to do an "Estes Method" Dean asked if Greg will be sitting during the session.   Greg, strangely said, "Yes, or I will end up face down in the dirt like a penguin." Please note that Dean or Laura mentioned the earlier discovery to anyone.

A short video will be added to our You Tube channel with some of the highlights of the trip. 

Featured Cemetery

German Waldheim Cemetery, previously known as Waldheim Cemetery, was originally founded in 1873 as a non-religion-specific cemetery, where Freemasons, Romani, and German-speaking immigrants to Chicago could be buried without regard for religious affiliation. In 1969 it merged with the adjacent Forest Home Cemetery, also founded in 1873, with the combined cemetery being called Forest Home (Waldheim means "forest home" in German). 


An unsolved murder victim grabs our attention.

Are you into True Crime, with a sprinkle of murder and mayhem? Well, you won't need to go further than the Roadhouse in Oregon, IL.  Please check out for upcoming events 

Dean, Ron and Dale K surprised Mike Arians of the Road House 

Investigated July 31, 2021 - Oregon, IL

Paranormal Family: We couldn't get evidence of the paranormal if it wasn't for a great support system. Please find us along side our friends.

Tim Schmuldt with a Ghost Buster VW Bug

Amanda Pilgreen, Tim Schmuldt and Dean Thompson standing outside of the Sallie House in Atchison, KS 

Tim, Melissa Johnson, Amanda & Dean outside of Buffalo New York Central Station. 

Amanda & Tim investigating at Rolling Hills Asylum 

GHS TRAVEL DESTINAIONS: "From sea to shining sea" 

KEY WEST: Recently Nick and his wife visited Key West. With over 42 documented spirits, the city has a vast history dating back to early war times.

We visited the cemetery, local museums, Earnest Hemingway’s house, and of course Robert the Doll. At the cemetery, established in 1846, we took photos of the various grave sites of many soldiers (along with giant iguanas) that met their demise in the city. From there we ventured to the museum at the custom house, where the path was once trod by wreckers, rumrunners, and politicians when the city was the richest and largest city of Florida, we even got to see Hemingway’s blood-stained WWI uniform. Lastly, we toured the East Martello Museum, home of the famed Robert the Doll. Robert was once owned by Robert Eugene Otto – famed painter and author of Key West, Florida.

Here are a few of the photos from our adventure, let us know if you see anything!

Checking out the local graves KW, Florida

Nick faces his fears with Robert the Doll!

Cuban section of the cemetery

Oldest section of the cemetery

Tiffany takes on Robert

Statue that startled us both!

Radio/Podcasts: Forever recorded! Random Radio Shows & Podcasts where we have been featured:

Legend Tripping during COVID

Join Amanda & Dean as they get make their way through some local "haunts" in Wisconsin.

Through the eyes of a killer

This video is a memorial to Maud Sleep who was killed along side two of her children on April 14, 1913.

Paranormal Streakers

This is a Spoof and nothing but a Spoof. 

Newspaper Articles: Throughout the years we have been interviewed for some local newspapers. Please find their links below. Enjoy!

Laura Redmond & Dean Thompson at the Roadhouse in Oregon, IL

Jeremy Krzykowski - a Ghost Head Soup Lab night regular. 

Nick Hanson, Mark Schwabe, Jeremy, Dean, Melissa pose behind Tim Schmuldt. 

Laura Redmond meets Walt Willey while portraying Wild Bill Hickok in Troy Grove, IL.  

Terms used by Ghost Head Soup:

It's a Ghost - Fire Museum

Tim is listening to the ghost box and reacts to something quite amazing. 

PEMA TV interviews GHS

Laura Redmond and Dean Thompson are interviewed.

Chicago Horror Film Fest

An interview with George about the spirit board.

George's interview begins around 3:33 

We have met some amazing people in the paranormal field, and some  of them actually wanted to write about us. It has been our pleasure to sit down and discuss this field of study. Please support them and check us out between the covers. Thank You!  

Odds & Ends: More links to explore and enjoy.  More to come!

Nick Hanson reflecting

Dean & Nick portraying Chad & Ryan from American Ghost Hunters.

Dean & Nick hanging out with Willy Adkins & Ron Fabiani, Thomas Froelich of the Paranormal Cops.

Dean and Willy join The Paranormal Cops for a public investigation of the Casa Madrid, in Melrose Park, IL.  

Along the way: You would never know who is around you unless you ask. It pays to stop and say Hi.  Here are some of the people we have meet along the way.