Any solution to the problem where ghostery locks a site because of the cookie-rejection?

When the site you're visiting seems to load just fine, but you can't scroll. You have to disable ghostery, reload the page, deny the cookies and then enable ghostery again...

My computer had to be emptied, so Firefox disappeared as well. Now, that I have reinstalled Firefox I can't find ghostery settings, which used to take away bad stuff that Googles puts in?.........surveylance ?? Can you help?

Ghostery Download


As far as I can tell, it has to do with the v query string parameter in the URL to request static files like CSS or JS from the CDN, which Ghostery interprets as tracking and tries to change its value to ghostery.

I am using Luakit as browser, which does not have support for firefox plugins like ghostery. It does have an adblock plugin which can use a textfile with all the urls that needed to be blocked, like easylist from the Ad Block Plus plugin for firefox.

I would like to get a textfile with all the urls that ghostery blocks, so I can add them to my textfile so my adblock plugin will also block those. Does anyone know if it is possible to get those urls?

You will need to install Ghostery to get that information. After installing it in Firefox from here, the files you want will be in your_firefox_profile/extensions/[email protected]/chrome/content. The files are: ghostery-bugs.json, ghostery-click2play.json, ghostery-lsos.json, and ghostery-surrogates.json.

Ghostery opens to two pages. This is one:

if your red flags aren't going off with 'create ghostery account' then there's this stunning second page:

a little unsettling to see a privacy statement and terms and conditions to activate the browser...

I have used ghostery browser on mac for a few years without seeing any issues like any other

FF offshoot.(even tested it out at the time I kept it so it musta been halfway decent I cant remb


Of course with any browser I never use any of the extra things they offer (like ghost rank or even the stuff

FF offers just for safety reasons)

How many extra browsers does a person need.

good question. I thought three.

spent too long trying to find the perfect 3.

is it doable? or just spinning wheels?

there's a proverb:

"a man with one watch always knows what time it is. A man with two is never sure."

that's me.

thanks for the ghostery info. if it's just a Brave thing where it does a good job but you have to disable/opt-out-of all the crap then I get it.

I use Firefox, configured to delete all persistence each time I exit. To fill in the gaps, I use ghostery (to prevent trackers from loading) and betterprivacy (to clean up Flash LSOs). When Internet banking, I close browser, reopen, bank, close. No probles with any of this, except for sites which depend on features that ghostery blocks.

Oh, sorry. Thought it attached the question to the lesson. It's in JavaScript Loops, Arrays and Objects "What are Loops" section. With the code I was writing along with the video, it only worked after pausing ghostery. This is the code. 2351a5e196

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