Sayed Ali Akbar Ghorashi

I am a postdoctoral research associate in condensed mater theory at Stony Brook University, NY.

I have a broad research interest with particular focus (so far ),

- Topological phases of matter, including topological superconductors and semimetals and recently higher-order topological phases.

- Graphene Heterostructures, including moire systems.

- Physics of disorder and interaction.

- Floquet engineering of topological phases.

- Quantum optics theory and AMO/CMT interface.


- Postdoctoral Research Associate, Stony Brook university , NY, Aug 2021 - Present

  • Advisor: Jennifer Cano

-Postdoctoral Research Associate, William & Mary , VA, July 2018 - Aug 2021

  • Advisor: Enrico Rossi


- PhD in Physics, University of Houston, TX,USA, May 2018.

  • Advisers: Chin-Sen Ting (UH) & Matthew Foster (Rice)

  • Thesis title : Phase and critical phenomena in topological superconductors and semimetals.

- B.Sc. in Physics, University of Isfahan, IRAN, June 2012.

  • Adviser: Rasoul Roknizadeh

  • Senior Thesis: Some applications of Deformation Quantization theory