Greenfield Historic Landmarks

Sanborn Fire Maps 

Keys and Legends Page

(Find the maps for the six available years by clicking the desired year appearing in the top menu bar)

Greenfield Indiana 

 Library of Congress, Geography and Maps Division, Sandborn Collection 

The Sanborn map collection consists of a uniform series of large-scale maps, dating from 1867 to the present and depicting the commercial, industrial, and residential sections of some twelve thousand cities and towns in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The maps were designed to assist fire insurance agents in determining the degree of hazard associated with a particular property and therefore show the size, shape, and construction of dwellings, commercial buildings, and factories as well as fire walls, locations of windows and doors, sprinkler systems, and types of roofs. The maps also indicate widths and names of streets, property boundaries, building use, and house and block numbers.