
The workshop will be held on September 11th, 2023 at Toppo Wasserman Hall, room T7.

Additional information about the location and how to reach it can be found at the main conference web page: ICIAP 2023.

14:00 - Welcome by workshop Organizers

14:00 - 14:45 - Invited talk I: 

Nicu Sebe, "Cross-modal understanding and generation of multimodal content" 

14:45 - 15:30 - Oral session I - Chair: 

14:45 - 15:07 Baptiste Chopin, Mohamed Daoudi, Angela Bartolo, "Avatar Reaction to Multimodal Human Behavior"

15:08 - 15:30 Halldór Kárason; Pierluigi Ritrovato, Nicola Maffulli, Francesco Tortorella, "Generative data augmentation of human biomechanics"

15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break

16:00 - 16:45 - Invited talk II: 

Gül Varol, "Is Human Motion a Language without Words?" 

16:45 - 17:30 - Oral session II - Chair: 

16:45 - 17:07 Lorenzo Berlincioni, Stefano Berretti, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo, "Upsampling 4D Point Clouds of Human Body Behavior via Adversarial Generation"

17:08 - 17:30 Shelina K Jilani, Aliyu Abubakar, Zeno Geradts, "Decoding Deception: Understanding Human Discrimination Ability in Differentiating Authentic Faces from Deepfake Deceits"

17:30 - Closing by workshop Organizers