
Our Classes are Inclusive and Diverse. Everyone Deserves Good Health. All are welcome regardless of age, gender, economic status or beliefs 

You are a beautiful soul, and we help your inner beauty and radiance to shine. Our Classes are open, inclusive and non-judgemental spaces where everybody is welcome regardless of how you look, where you come from, how flexible you are or how much you earn. 

The shared interests that draw us together are Yoga and a desire to be the best version of ourselves. 

"If you can Breathe, you can do Yoga" 

Community Classes

Our community classes incorporate Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Hatha Yoga and de-stress Yoga techniques to engage a wide range of individuals from young children to students, parents, the elderly and professionals. We practice Asanas (physical poses) and Pranayama (Breathing Techniques) often set to soothing curated music. 

Come and explore - you have nothing to lose and a lot to gain. There is no competition, no perfection and no must-do in Yoga - just getting in touch with ourselves a little better.  

Corporate Classes

Refresh and reward your staff with our Yoga sessions to boost their physical and mental well-being. Our Corporate Yoga classes help staff to de-stress and re-connect with themselves and their colleagues in a non-competitive manner outside of work. 

Previous participants have found that our classes increase focus, clarity and productivity at work. Yoga sessions can be customised for specific groups in firms and delivered online on Zoom in time slots convenient for you.

One to One Classes

Take your personal Yoga practice to a higher level with a one to one session. Each session is customised to wherever you are in your yoga journey - from complete novices to advanced yoga practitioners. 

Explore Yoga at your own pace with personalised attention and support, including detailed explanations for all your questions on each Asana, Pranayama and Yoga Philosophy  

Especially suitable for beginners if you are not sure if Yoga is for you, if you find Yoga studios stressful, if you are shy because you don't have a fit body, or just lack the confidence / mindspace to join a group class. 

Seasoned yoga practitioners benefit from deepening your Yoga practice with greater freedom to explore more involved / advanced techniques to connect with yourself.