
Award Results

作品大獎 Grand Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:

智.愛同行 APP (Smart Love Along APP)

得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

潔心林炳炎中學 Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


An app that helps the elderly to take their medicine through a ‘smart’ dispensary that recognises the elderly through facial recognition and dispenses medicines with time reminders. The app also sends data to family members to send them caring messages and encouragement.

最佳創意大Best Creativity and Innovation Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:


得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

元朗裘錦秋中學 Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Yuen Long)

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


An app that combines daily exercises and activities with fun online animations and games to keep people healthy and activities.

最實用大Best Functionality Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:

疫情下在家的 VR 心理健康輔導遊戲

得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

嗇色園主辦可道中學 Ho Dao College

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:

因疫情使很多人有情緒問題,而一般巿民不願尋找心理醫生,程式提供 VR 心理健康輔導遊戲,讓使用者了解病徵,並提供線上治療及 靜觀練習等,幫助使用者維持心理健康

A VR mental health counselling game that helps people understand symptoms of mental health issues, offers online therapy, mindfulness exercises and other at-home activities to help regulate their emotional well-being.

最具市場潛力大Best Market Potential Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:

智.愛同行 APP (Smart Love Along APP)

得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

潔心林炳炎中學 Kit Sam Lam Bing Yim Secondary School

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


An app that helps the elderly to take their medicine through a ‘smart’ dispensary that recognises the elderly through facial recognition and dispenses medicines with time reminders. The app also sends data to family members to send them caring messages and encouragement.

最佳演繹大Best Presentation Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:


得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

庇理羅士女子中學 Belilios Public School

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:

此應用程式提供攝影日記、小遊戲、每日勵志金句、自療貼士及心理健康檢查, 讓用家舒緩壓力

An app that provides an outlet for stress relief through gratitude photo-journaling, mini-games, daily motivational quotes and self-care tips, and mental health check-ins.

最具網絡人氣大獎 Netizen's Choice Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:

Mask Off

得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

聖傑靈女子中學 St. Catharine's School for Girls

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:

玩家通過做出相應表情和動作贏取分數,更設連線模式,在家也能與朋友互 動,也可為專屬寵物打扮,分享到社區,享受照顧寵物的樂趣

A app that encourages users to strengthen their interpersonal relationships through guessing each other's facial expressions and competing to mimic actions, with an added function of virtually dressing up your pets and sharing photos across social media platforms.

優異Merit Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:


得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

香港管理專業協會羅桂祥中學 HKMA K S Lo College

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


An app that adopts the idea of a drifting bottle, providing a space for users to express their emotions and / or pick up drifting bottles in the ocean to read others' problems.

優異Merit Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:

Mind Farm

得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

寶血會上智英文中學 Holy Trinity College

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:

本程式讓用家在疫情下與其他用家在網上交流,並種植虛擬植物 。每當用家完成一個正能量活動,便可以獲贈灌溉次數,幫助植物生長。

An app that allows users to interact with other users and to grow virtual plants by finishing positive actions.

優異Merit Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:


得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

保祿六世書院 Pope Paul VI College

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


An app that allows users to share the growth status of their potted plants at home, check out opportunities for volunteering, and sell food grown at home to restaurants.

優異Merit Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:

AR 同「fun」抗疫

得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

聖公會諸聖中學 SKH All Saints' Middle School

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


A virtual community built with AR on top of Hong Kong's neighborhood scenes that allows users to share stories and joyful video clips to evoke the "Lion Rock" spirit, and to strengthen users’ will and resolve to fight the pandemic.

優異Merit Award

得獎作品題目 The winning project:


得獎隊伍學校 The winning team’s school:

聖傑靈女子中學 St. Catharine's School for Girls

得獎作品簡介 Summary of the winning project:


An app that allows users to remain connected with their neighbours, bring positive energy and help to others, and travel around Hong Kong while staying at home.