形式 | Format

  • 由3-4位學生組成的參賽隊伍將運用不同的科技程式工具或相關的知識技能,根據主題要求,設計應用程式或製作產品裝置的原型以關懷社區。

  • 參賽隊伍將由1-2位企業義工輔助,一起構思、設計參賽作品,以完成整項比賽。

  • 參加者將於2020年11月至2021年1月,出席一系列的應用程式工具實體/視像培訓工作坊及參考自學資源,並運用學到的知識與技能,與隊員分工合作,創建一個能幫助大家抗疫,發送正能量的應用程式或產品裝置。

1. 必須出席的工作坊

  • 「Ho Jeng AR」- Google 推出的全新應用程式,Google 團隊會分享創作概念及所應用擴增實境技術 (提供予所有參賽學生)

  • 演講技巧工作坊 - 高盛集團主辦 (提供予入圍決賽的參賽學生)

2. 選項出席的工作坊 (所有參加者均需參加其中一項)

  • Python培訓工作坊

  • App Inventor培訓工作坊



  • 學生隊伍需要運用編程工具,例如Python、App Inventor、 Micro:bit、Chatbot、VR、AR等,以創建一個應用程式或製作產品裝置的原型,展示參賽作品能幫助大家抗疫 (對象不限階層或年齡層的人士),增加抗逆力、建立幸福感 (例如減少負面情緒、帶出正能量等)。

  • 每學生隊伍須以不多於300字 (中文或英文皆是) 撰寫初賽作品概念計劃書。

  • 約1個月後,每學生隊伍須遞交初賽的完成作品,包括作品計劃書及不多於3分鐘的短片。




  • Participants will be invited to enter the competition as a team of 3-4 students and together use their STEM knowledge and skills to build an application or a product prototype in keeping with the theme of the competition.

  • Each participating team will be supported by 1-2 corporate volunteers who will give advice through the process of the competition.

  • Participants will be provided with a series of in person or virtual training workshops on different programming tools and self-directed learning materials from November 2020 to January 2021. Workshop details are listed below:

(a) Compulsory Workshops

  • Ho Jeng AR – Concept development and application of a brand new Augmented Reality (AR) project (named “ShareJoy”) by Google (for all participants)

  • Presentation skills by Goldman Sachs (for shortlisted participants of the final competition)

(b) Optional Workshops (All participants need to select one workshop, on first-come, first served basis)

  • Python technical training

  • App Inventor technical training

Further details about the workshops will be provided after registration. Each team will be required to submit a project proposal and a short video to demonstrate their ideas plus an application or product prototype that they have created.

Round One: Proposal Submission

  • Each team should use programming tools (e.g. Python, App Inventor, Micro:bit, Chatbot, VR, AR) to create an application or produce a product prototype in keeping with the theme of the competition.

  • Project Proposal Submission: Each team will submit a project proposal of no more than 300 words (applicable to both Chinese and English).

  • Final Project Submission: Approximately one month later, each team will submit their final project, which should include a proposal and a video of no more than 3 minutes.

  • Following this submission, 10 teams will be shortlisted by the judging panel.

Round Two: Final Competition and Award Presentation

The 10 shortlisted teams will be invited to give a 5-minute presentation about their project, followed by a 2-min Q&A from the judges. All awards will be announced and presented on that day.

(Due to coronavirus and social distancing requirements, TWF will confirm whether the Final Competition and Award Presentation will be conducted in person or online in due course.)