主題 | Theme


我們希望是次比賽能啓發參賽學生,運用不同的科技程式工具或相關的知識技能,設計應用程式或製作產品裝置的原型以關懷社區。參賽作品的使用對象不限階層或年齡層的人士。我們期望參賽作品能展示讓使用者增加抗逆力,建立幸福感 (例如減少負面情緒、帶出正能量等)的用途及元素,共同再創社區活力!

Since the beginning of 2020, the coronavirus has swept the globe, affecting millions of people. Social distancing regulations have meant avoiding groups and gatherings. We are all seeing less of our families and friends in person and missing important moments and celebrations. This has had a negative impact on our mental wellbeing.

We hope to inspire the participants to use and apply their STEM knowledge and skills for the community by designing and building an application or a product prototype for social good. Projects can target either a specific group, a geographical area or across the board and should help support resilience, and positive mental and emotional wellbeing of the user to ultimately help revitalise our community.