Book Chapters

B1 - Gharib Gharibi. 2019. Generating Arabic Poems using Recurrent Neural Networks. A chapter of the Book: Artificial Intelligence Applications for the Arabic Language (in Arabic). King Abdullah International Center for the Arabic Language.

Journal Publications

Under Review

J3 Gharib Gharibi et al. An Open-Collaborative Platform for Deep Learning Medical Applications. Target Journal: JAMIA (In preparation)

J2 Rakan Alanazi, Gharib Gharibi, Vijay Walunj, Yugyung Lee. Accelerating Software Comprehension with Graph Multilevel Hierarchical Abstractions. Journal of Systems and Software. (Submitted Dec. 2, 2019)

J1 Gharib Gharibi, Vijay Walunj, Raju Nekadi, Raj Marri, Yugyung Lee. Automated End-to-End Management of the Modeling Lifecycle in Deep Learning. Empirical Software Engineering. (Submitted Nov. 10, 2019) (update: reviewers comments are being addressed)

Peer-Reviewed Conference Publications


c8 Vijay Walunj, Gharib Gharibi, Duy Ho, Yugyung Lee. 2019. GraphEvo: Characterizing and Understanding Software Evolution using Call Graphs. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), December 9-13, Seattle, WA, USA. To appear.

c7 Gharib Gharibi, Vijay Walunj, Rakan Alanazi, Sirisha Rella, Yugyung Lee. 2019. Automated Management of Deep Learning Experiments. In DEEM ’19: Third Workshop on Data Management and End-to-End Machine Learning, June 30, 2019, Amsterdam, NL. ACM, New York, USA. [Paper] [Preprint] [Video]

c6 Gharib Gharibi, Vijay Walunj, Sirisha Rella, Yugyung Lee . ModelKB: Towards Automated Management of the Modeling Lifecycle in Deep Learning . The 7th workshop on Realizing Artificial Intelligence Synergies in Software Engineering (co-hosted with ICSE 2019). [Paper] [Preprint]

c5 Vijay Walunj, Gharib Gharibi, Priyanka Gaikwad, Sirisha Rella, Yugyung Lee. Towards Continuous Evaluation for Deep Learning. First Workshop on Testing for Deep Learning and Deep Learning for Testing (co-hosted with ICSE 2019).


c4 Gharib Gharibi, Rakan Alanazi, and Yugyung Lee. Automatic Hierarchical Clustering of Static Call Graphs for Program Comprehension. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), December 9-13, Seattle, WA, USA. [Paper] [Preprint]

c3 Gharib Gharibi, Rashmi Tripathi, and Yugyung Lee. 2018. Code2graph: Automatic Generation of Static Call Graphs for Python Source Code. In Proceedings of the 2018 33rd ACM/IEEE International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE ’18), September 3–7, 2018, Montpellier, France. ACM, New York, NY, USA. [paper] [Preprint] [Video] [Website]


c2 Gharib Gharibi and Yongjie Zheng. ArchFeature: A Modeling Environment Integrating Features into Product Line Architectures. ACM/IEEE 19th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS 2016), Tool Demonstrations, Saint Malo, Brittany, France, October 02 - 07, 2016. [Paper] [Preprint] [Video]

c1 Gharib Gharibi and Yongjie Zheng. ArchFeature: Integrating Features into Product Line Architecture. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC 2016), Track on Software Architecture: Theory, Technology, and Applications (SA-TTA), pp. 1302-1308, Pisa, Italy, April 04 - 08, 2016. [Paper] [Preprint]