
15/07/2023: Appointed as TIE Forum Chair and Publication Chair in next IEEE IGARSS 2024 (Athens)

29/07/2022: Associate Editor for the IEEE Journal of Miniaturization for Air and Space Systems (JMASS)

08/07/2022: Guest Editor for MDPI Remote Sensing Special Issue "Modeling, Processing and Analysis of Microwave Remote Sensing Data" - See details here

27/07/2022: Class of "Image Restoration and Enhancement" for Undergraduate Students @ Xidian University, China 

03/01/2022: Associate Professor in "Telecomunicazioni" @ DIST- Uniparthenope

11/06/2021: Habilitation for Full Professor in "Telecomunicazioni".

15/01/2019: Member of Editorial Board of "Remote Sensing Image Processing" Section for MDPI Remote Sensing.

28/05/2018: Member of the Jury for the Best Paper @ GTTI RRSW 2018 in Pavia, together with Gabriele Moser (Unige) and Fabio dell'Acqua (Unipv).

06/04/2018: Member of the Technical Liaison Committee for the IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging.

20/03/2018: Habilitation for Associate Professor in "Telecomunicazioni".

07/12/2017: Elevation to IEEE Senior Member.

22/07/2017: Associate Editor for the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters.