Getting Cash Out of China 7 Cash RepatriationBest Practices

China could be a notoriously difficult place for foreign companies to business. With strict rules for entities and complex tax regulations, just getting on the ground could be a pain in itself. But while sales may roll into your Chinese entity, there's an extra complication foreign companies face: How can I move that cash back home?

It's not as simple as you may think. Take the example of 1 High Street Partners client, a U.S.-based web services company with significant operations in China. With growing foreign profits, they wished to repatriate those funds back to the U.S. regularly, to aid further business growth. They made plans for twice monthly repatriation tied to management service fees and royalties.

Unfortunately, this client underestimated the thing that was necessary to defend myself against repatriation. Their timeline was too aggressive, creating significant costs for preparing documentation such short amount of time. This is exacerbated by inadequate allocation of resources, causing major delays through the process. Furthermore, the whole process ground to a halt once the royalty rate payable was deemed to be "too high" by the neighborhood tax authority.

How can your company avoid complications like those experienced by this client? Consider these seven best practices for making your repatriation of cash from China go smoothly: