Filagra Strong

Filagra Strong is a very powerful and famous drug in chewable format. It’s the product of Fortune Healthcare. It’s a blue pill in triangular shape. It contains Sildenafil Citrate 120mg. Some question about Filagra Strong

1.What is the use of Filagra Strong?

It is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction or we can say it helps in treating male impotency. We use that pill when we can’t get hard erection. It helps to improve sexual activity. It relaxe person is sexues the blood veins in the penile when thally excited. Blood smoothly flows in the organ and erection is natural.

2.Can females use this medication?

This medication is not for females.

When to use Filagra Strong?

When the person is sexually agitated, it does not improve sexual drive.


  • Do not use this medication if you are taking any nitrates and iso-sorbides. These drugs drop blood pressure and create complications in treatment.

  • Do not take Filagra Strong treatment if you are suffering from chest pain (angina) or other heart conditions.

  • If you are using amyl nitrate avoid taking Filagra .

  • Sexual copulation is unreasonable if you have problems in blood veins.

  • If you have suffered from heart attack from last 6 months.

  • Some liver problem.

  • Avoid taking the Sildenafil Citrate drug if you are experiencing blood pleasure issues.

If you have problems in vision, diabetes, kidney, any penile surgery or disorder, cancer in bone marrow etc. consult the doctor before starting with the treatment.