
Bills of Material and CAD files (for ordering through protolabs)

Instructions for ordering custom components (mouse headbar, lenslet holder, mouse headbar clamp)

The main things you will likely need to order are headbars (headplate_ring_13mm_tab_shelf_v13.ipt) and the lenslet holder (20171214_lenslet_holder_v10_final.ipt).

For the headbar clamp, you will need to order 2x each of HeadPostHolderBottom.ipt and HeadPostHolderBottom.ipt

  • Make an account on www.protolabs.com
  • Click 'Get a Quote' ---> CNC Machining
  • Upload the ipt CAD file. If you want stainless steel as the material, then you need to click the 'hard metals' option (aluminum is cheaper and faster, and honestly, is probably adequate). Note: you will be able to adjust quantities later.
  • Submit the quote request.
  • When the quote comes back (it needs to be approved by protolabs; this takes about a day), for the headbar, you will likely want to thread the two holes on the tabs. In the quote interface, under 'threading options', select the two tab holes and select 4-40 threading. When manufacturing the HeadPostHolderBottom, you will also need to thread the holes to 8-32 threading.

Instructions for ordering curved windows:

  • Our windows were procured through two vendors: trapezoidal glass blanks were cut by TLC International (contact: clinden@tlcinternational.com), these were then shipped to Glaswerk (maik@glaswerk.com) where they were curved along a 10 mm radius.
  • You can now buy windows directly through Labmaker: https://www.labmaker.org/products/crystal-skull. These windows are slightly smaller than the ones we used, but should be adequate.

Instructions for making custom lenslets:

  • Our lenslets were modified Edmund Optics 25 mm Diameter x 40 mm EFL Aspherized Achromatic lenses ( #49-664)
  • We milled off 7.09 mm from the edge of each of two lenslets (using the Ginzton Crystal Shop at Stanford University, managed by Tim Brand, currently at https://www.brandlaseroptics.com/about --- this should be an easy job for any crystal shop)