How To Get Clubhouse Invite Code For Free

Ever since the Clubhouse app started trending worldwide, more than 2 million people have installed it on their iPhone. It is not easy to install the App and start the audio chat. You to be invited to get started using the App on your iOS device.Clubhouse is blowing up, to the extent that people are selling invites to the exclusive app. Only available on iPhone, Clubhouse is technically still in beta mode so it's not freely available to join. Each user has a limited amount of invite codes to bring friends on to the app, you begin with two and then you gradually earn more invites the more active you are.

Once you follow the above procedure perfectly, you will have the free Clubhouse invite code on your iPhone. After listing your name to the spreadsheet, please keep engaged in the Telegram group for every update. Since the list numbers is increasing rapidly, it will take some time to get the invite code, but it better than any other option.Clubhouse is invite only. You can’t just download it off the app store and create an account. Much like a real-life country or yacht club, you have to be invited to join by an existing member.

Best Methods To Get A Clubhouse Invite:

Here is everything you need to know for available options or methods to get invited to Clubhouse today:

1. Sign-Up For The Waitlist

The first method available would be to visit the official website. They don’t have much going for the website, but you can find an option to download the app. It is indeed available for iOS users.

However, you won’t be able to start using it right off the bat. It will require you to join the waitlist and wait for exclusive access to the app.

2. The Social Media Option

Another option would be to go to any social media. You can use Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. It could be better to use all of them, and more if you have options. Then make a post and use ‘#Clubhouse’ or even tag Clubhouse.

This option won’t necessarily get you the authorities of Clubhouse to invite you. However, you might get other users of Clubhouse. If they end up looking at your post and use the app, they can send invites for you to join. If you’re someone popular, it becomes even easier to get the invite link.

3. The Invite-Only Method

It is similar to the social media option, but you won’t depend on it exclusively. Try to start networking and getting to know people on other platforms. For example, if you follow more notable personalities on Instagram, it’s about time to associate with them. You can try to score an invite with someone. It’s similar to how you would get into a real-world clubhouse if you knew a member of it.

4. Buy from Trusted Service

As mentioned above its best to buy a invite from any trusted service online. After extensive research we found one such service website with live chat support and fulfilling orders within 30Min-4Hours.

How To Get Clubhouse Invite?

To join, an existing Clubhouse user has to send an invite from their app giving you access to set up an account. If you are invited, you’ll see a link texted to your phone number, directing you to a sign-up page in the app.Clubhouse users can’t just send an invite to anyone who wants to join, however. Existing users only have two invites available at first.

The Clubhouse is still in its beta testing stage as of now, which means it has not yet been rolled out for the general public. This directly implies that the only way you can have access to the App and be a part of it when receiving an invitation from a pre-existing member. Once you get invited to the App and have joined successfully, you will get one request to send to any contact of your choice. Once you have sent your invite to someone, the next invitation you receive depends on how active you remain on the App. For example, anyone who starts his or her own room as a moderator or is a regular speaker in the spaces they join is more likely to be given an invitation to give out instead of someone who is not as active or not as active on the App as the other person does. However, there are no fixed rules right now, and invites are sporadically issued to users. Another thing to remember is that Clubhouse can be downloaded from the App Store and is only available for iPhone users.

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