A Remake is a game where the executable and sometimes the assets as well are remade open source. Some of these games aren't exact remakes but evolution of original ones, which were eventually open sourced. 

 A Clone is a game which is very similar to or heavily inspired by a game or series. 

 An Official project is the official source code release for a game that was formerly closed-source, maintained by the original creators and has minimal changes. 

 A Similar game is one which has similar gameplay but is not a clone. 

 A Tool is not a game, but something that assists in playing or modding the game, such as a high resolution patch, or resource extractor.

RAD Studio 11.3 includes support for newer versions of several operating systems, adds a new ToolsAPI to the RAD Studio IDE to customize the way source code is painted in the code editor, introduces a new Biometric Authentication component for mobile platforms, and a number of other features and enhancements.

Source Code  Customizable Mobile Arcade Game For Delphi 10.2

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In approximately 2003, Digital Tome granted permission for modification of the first chapter of Siege of Avalon. The intent was for the game to be developed to run on other platforms, have continued support available, and for the game to be distributed as open-source software under a Lesser General Public License (LGPL).[2] As a result, the source code of the game was made available on Source Forge.[3] In 2011 the project was moved to GitHub.[4]

In March 2016, a community developer from Germany started to work on the Delphi 4 source code from GitHub, but got many errors at first. So the work lasted until January 2017 when he finally fixed everything in order to play the game with that new application (Siege.exe).In August 2017, he released a newer version including better resolution like HD (1280x720p) and Full-HD (1920x1080p).[6]

In June 2019, another community developer tried to port the source code to a newer version of Delphi. Since January 2021 his released version works without any errors. Now his aim is to get rid of the DirectX stuff and .dll-files.[7]

Design the forms in the IDE and build/run them to any of the platforms on the list.

You can also use TeeChart (sourcecode version only) with FMXLinux to port/build your charting applications to/for Linux with Embarcadero Delphi 10.2 Tokyo and up.

It is always good practice to give components and their properties meaningful names. There are different naming conventions. One of the most popular ones is to give components such name, that, just from the name itself, we could understand what the type of this particular component is. You also want to keep names short. If names are too long, you need to type more. Long names in the source code also tend to be less readable. It is up to you to decide what naming convention you use, but once you have decided, it is important to stick to it.

Now we need to define what will happen when the user of our app clicks on the button. For this, we need to attach an event handler to the OnClick event, of the btnHelloWorld button. We could switch to the Events tab in the Object Inspector, locate the OnClick event and double-click on the space next to it to generate an empty event handler. Let's do it faster. Just double-click on the button on the form. The IDE will switch from the Form Designer to Code Editor, and the cursor will be placed just at the beginning of an empty line between begin and end where we need to enter some code in the Object Pascal language. This code will be executed by our app in response to the click event. It could be misleading that this event is called OnClick, as you can use the mouse on desktop computers only. Fear not! If we compile our app to mobile targets, this event will be triggered in response to touching the button on the mobile device screen. In the code, we will invoke the built-in ShowMessage function and pass to it Delphi Hello World! as the string that we want to display in the message.

Every Delphi form is made of two source code files. You can switch between these files by clicking on the third button from the left in the toolbar with the Toggle Form/Unit (F12) hint or at the bottom of the screen using the Code and Design tabs. When we entered uFormHelloWorld as the name of the main form of our app, the IDE created two files: uFormHelloWorld.pas and uFormHelloWorld.fmx. The first file we can see in the Code tab is the source code, and the following is the screenshot of the toolbar with the toggle button to switch between the files:

It is the application main program file which is managed by the IDE and most of the time, we need to change anything there. The second project file has a dproj extension. If we open it in Notepad, we will see that it contains XML code with build instruction, for the MSBuild engine that is used by Delphi to manage all files and resources that are needed to build our project for different targets and configurations, as shown in the following screenshot:

We support Free Pascal Compiler (FPC)version >= 3.2.0.We always support and advice the latest stablerelease of FPC.Usually, we also support a couple of older FPC releases.We use some modern Pascal features (like generics) in CGE, so we occasionallybump the required FPC version. We check what is commonly available,e.g. what is in the latest Debian stable (which is a baselinefor many other Linux distros).Last time, on 2021-12-12, we bumped required versionfor Castle Game Engine 7.0-alpha.snapshot from FPC >= 3.0.2 to FPC >= 3.2.0.For Aarch64 (64-bit Arm), as found on Android, iOS, macOS: While we support any FPC >= 3.2.0,we strongly advise FPC >= 3.2.2. That is because certain optimizations have been brokenin older FPC versions. Our build tool disables optimizations in released builds when it detectsAarch64 and older FPC.You may also find it comfortableto use Lazarus,which is an IDE (editor, debugger etc.) built around FPCwith a visual classes library (LCL).Our engine can be used together with Lazarus form (LCL)though for most applications we recommend using TCastleWindow independent from LCL.We don't require any special Lazarus version, just use Lazarus with a sufficiently up-to-date FPC version.We advise Lazarus >= 2.2 in order to have this issue fixed, which allows more intuitive behavior when you double-click on a Pascal file in CGE editor to open Lazarus.Hint: If you want to install multiple versions of FPC/Lazarus (stable, unstable, NewPascal), with cross-compilers, it is easily possible with fpcupdeluxe.1.1. If you use sparta_Docked packageSome FPC libraries, like sparta_Docked or sparta_Generics, may contain their own copy of Generics.Collections unit and friends.FPC >= 3.2.0 doesn't need them (it contains the Generics.Collections and friends, with the same implementation from Maciej Izak). In case of CGE, we didn't need them even for FPC 3.0.x, and CGE included our own copy of Generics.Collections.Solution: Remove Generics.Collections and related units from any sparta_xxx or other packages. FPC includes them already. Report to authors of these packages that these units create conflicts with FPC >= 3.2.0 standard units.1.2. If you use FPC development version (from GitLab)We generally try to support using the latest (unstable) FPC development version to compile CGE.You can get such FPC:Directly from GitLab (use main branch to get really latest and unstable version)or using FpcUpDeluxeor using our Docker image.Although by default we use latest stable FPC inside our Docker image, but you can get FPC unstable using the tag cge-none-fpc331 when requesting the image. So the full image name to get it from Docker Hub would be kambi/castle-engine-cloud-builds-tools:cge-unstable.The exact FPC revision included is the one listed in the Docker build script. This is updated manually from time to time (do you think we should bump it now? let us know).Of course please remember that this FPC version is unstable, and it changes with every commit to FPC. We cannot test or guarantee that CGE works with an arbitray FPC development revision. But we welcome testing such FPC. PRs to make CGE work with latest FPC trunk are also welcome (unless there's a temporary bug in FPC which should be rather reported to FPC devs).On Aaarch64 (important on mobile platforms): Note that if you use FPC 3.3.1, we assume that it is at least from SVN revision 48104. See Trello ticket about Aarch64 optimizations. The optimizations are disabled on Aarch64 with FPC < 3.3.1. With FPC >= 3.3.1, we assume it is from at least SVN revision 48104, and has Aaarch64 optimizer bugs fixed.2. DelphiWe moved our Delphi documentation to a separate page.3. Code TyphonWe do not support using Code Typhon (a fork of FPC/Lazarus).I (Michalis) strongly advice that you should rather use original FPC and Lazarus. I have much more trust in FPC and Lazarus developers doing great quality job, respecting copyrights of other projects (CodeTyphon did some murky things), and working in a transparent fashion (version control, cooperating with other projects).Note that Lazarus comes now with Online Package Manager. And you can use fpcupdeluxe to easily install cross-compilers. I mention these, in case your reason for using Code Typhon was to get such features.Previous: Compiling from source Next: Coding TrapsManualDocumentationManualInstallBuild your first applicationDesigning user interface and handling events (press, update) within the viewManaging ViewsViewport with scenes, camera, navigationTutorial: Designing a 3D worldTutorial: Designing a 2D worldCameraNavigationWriting code to modify scenes and transformationsBehaviorsMultiple viewports to display one worldUser interfaceText and fontsCustomize loading imageCustom drawn 2D controls: player HUDEditorCustom Components in EditorComponents to reuse a design in other designs2D gamesSprite sheetsImagesTiled mapsHow to render 2D games with images and spritesPhysicsSoundOpenALFMODPersistent data (user preferences, savegames)Save screen (screenshot)Network, downloading and using URLsLoggingCross-platform (desktop, mobile, consoles...) projectsData directoryCastleEngineManifest&ZeroWidthSpace;.xmlCustomize UI scaling, font, warmup cache by CastleSettings.xmlBuild ToolTouch InputPlatforms detailsAndroidAndroid FAQAndroid Services (Google Play Games and many more...)Adding New Android ServicesiOSiOS Services (Apple Game Center and many more...)In-App Purchases (Android, iOS)Nintendo SwitchmacOSOptimizationOcclusion CullingProfiling Using ValgrindDetecting Memory LeaksMaking rendering prettierBump Mapping (Normal Maps)Shadow VolumesBackground (skybox, sky and ground)FogBlendingColor Space (Gamma Correction)Alpha BleedingSketchfabEngine on a form (VCL, FMX, LCL) using TCastleControlAutomatic Builds (Continuous Integration and Delivery)GitHub Actions (automatic builds for GitHub projects)GitLab CI/CD (automatic builds for GitLab projects)Docker (easily get CGE, compilers, texture compression tools)Jenkins (automatic builds by your Jenkins server)Pascal IDEsLazarusDelphiVisual Studio CodeMiscellaneousWhich way is up?Transformation hierarchyCastleWindow BackendsThreadsCompiling from sourceSupported compilers and IDEsCoding TrapsUnits MapDedicated GPUfpcupdeluxeFpMake and FpPkgLicenseHelping in engine developmentDonateRoadmapCoding ConventionsDeprecated: Utilities for typical 3D gamesOverviewLoading game levelPlayerDefining creatures and itemsUsing creatures and itemsExtending creatures and items classesCreating Game DataAPI ReferenceWhy Pascal?Modern Object Pascal IntroductionOverview for Unity DevelopersScene Graph (X3D)ConferencesCopyright Michalis Kamburelis and Castle Game Engine Contributors.This webpage is also open-source and we welcome pull requests to improve it.We use cookies for analytics. See our privacy policy. var _paq = _paq || []; /* tracker methods like "setCustomDimension" should be called before "trackPageView" */ _paq.push(["setDomains", ["*.castle-engine.sourceforge.net","*.castle-engine.io","*.castle-engine.io","*.castle-engine.sourceforge.io"]]); _paq.push(['trackPageView']); _paq.push(['enableLinkTracking']); (function() { var u="//castle-engine.io/piwik/"; _paq.push(['setTrackerUrl', u+'piwik.php']); _paq.push(['setSiteId', '1']); var d=document, g=d.createElement('script'), s=d.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; g.type='text/javascript'; g.async=true; g.defer=true; g.src=u+'piwik.js'; s.parentNode.insertBefore(g,s); })(); be457b7860

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