I have the same problem, connecting to the MongoDB database.

MongooseServerSelectionError: Could not connect to any servers in your MongoDB Atlas cluster. One common reason is that you're trying to access the database from an IP that isn't whitelisted. Make sure your current IP address is on your Atlas cluster's IP whitelist: -whitelist/

To use the MongoDB connector with a replica set, you must set the value of the mongodb.connection.string property in the connector configuration to the replica set connection string.When the connector is ready to begin capturing changes from a MongoDB change stream, it starts a connection task.The connection task then uses the specified connection string to establish a connection to an available replica set member.

Common MongoDB Topologies

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The mongodb.connection.string property replaces the removed mongodb.hosts property that was used to provide earlier versions of the connector with the host address of the configuration server replica.In the current release, use mongodb.connection.string to provide the connector with the addresses of MongoDB routers, also known as mongos.

For connectors that capture changes from a sharded MongoDB cluster, and for which the mongodb.connection.mode property is set to replica_set, you must grant the user permission to read the config.shards system collection.

Specifies a connection string that the connector uses to connect to a MongoDB replica set.This property replaces the mongodb.hosts property that was available in previous versions of the MongoDB connector.

Connectors that capture changes from a sharded MongoDB cluster use this connection string only during the initial shard discovery process when mongodb.connection.mode is set to replica_set.After the initial discovery process, connection strings are generated for each individual shard.

A full Java class name that is an implementation of the io.debezium.connector.mongodb.connection.MongoDbAuthProvider interface.This class handles setting the credentials on the MongoDB connection (called on each app boot).Default behavior uses the mongodb.user, mongodb.password, and mongodb.authsource properties according to each of their documentation,but other implementations may use them differently or ignore them altogether.Note that any setting in mongodb.connection.string will override settings set by this class

When using default mongodb.authentication.class:Database (authentication source) containing MongoDB credentials. This is required only when MongoDB is configured to use authentication with another authentication database than admin.

This property has an effect only when the connector is connected to a sharded MongoDB cluster and the mongodb.connection.mode property is set to replica_set.When the mongodb.connection.mode is set to sharded, or if the connector is connected to an unsharded MongoDB replica set deployment, the connector ignores this setting, and defaults to using only a single task.

The connector configuration property mongodb.name serves as a logical name for the MongoDB replica set or sharded cluster. The connector uses the logical name in a number of ways: as the prefix for all topic names, and as a unique identifier when recording the oplog position of each replica set.

The MongoDB connector writes events for all insert, update, and delete operations to documents in each collection to a single Kafka topic. The name of the Kafka topics always takes the form logicalName.databaseName.collectionName, where logicalName is the logical name of the connector as specified with the mongodb.name configuration property, databaseName is the name of the database where the operation occurred, and collectionName is the name of the MongoDB collection in which the affected document existed.

The comma-separated list of hostname and port pairs (in the form 'host' or 'host:port') of the MongoDB servers in the replica set. The list can contain a single hostname and port pair. If mongodb.members.auto.discover is set to false, then the host and port pair should be prefixed with the replica set name (e.g., rs0/localhost:27017).

Boolean value that specifies whether the addresses in 'mongodb.hosts' are seeds that should be used to discover all members of the cluster or replica set (true), or whether the address(es) in mongodb.hosts should be used as is (false). The default is true and should be used in all cases except where MongoDB is fronted by a proxy.

storm-mongodb includes a general purpose MongoMapper implementation called SimpleMongoMapper that can map Storm tuple to a Database document. SimpleMongoMapper assumes that the storm tuple has fields with same name as the document field name in the database collection that you intend to write to.

To use the MongoInsertBolt, you construct an instance of it by specifying url, collectionName and a MongoMapper implementation that converts storm tuple to DB document. The following is the standard URI connection scheme: mongodb://[username:password@]host1[:port1][,host2[:port2],...[,hostN[:portN]]][/[database][?options]]

storm-mongodb includes a general purpose MongoUpdateMapper implementation called SimpleMongoUpdateMapper that can map Storm tuple to a Database document. SimpleMongoUpdateMapper assumes that the storm tuple has fields with same name as the document field name in the database collection that you intend to write to.SimpleMongoUpdateMapper uses $set operator for setting the value of a field in a document. More information about update operator, you can visit

storm-mongodb includes a general purpose QueryFilterCreator implementation called SimpleQueryFilterCreator that can create a MongoDB query Filter by given Tuple. QueryFilterCreator uses $eq operator for matching values that are equal to a specified value. More information about query operator, you can visit

We support trident persistent state that can be used with trident topologies. To create a Mongo persistent trident state you need to initialize it with the url, collectionName, the MongoMapper instance. See the example below:

The driver works with MongoDB 3.6+ and Swift 5.1+. It is tested against all supported MongoDB and Swift versions on macOS 10.14, Ubuntu 16.04, and Ubuntu 18.04, as well as a variety of MongoDB topologies (standalone server, replica set, sharded cluster, TLS and authentication on/off).

It's common to use enumerations to model errors in Swift, and in fact we did this in the driver until not long ago. We switched to the protocol and struct-based approach recently, after realizing enums are a poor fit for error types that evolve over time:

This article is the third part of a multi-part series that discusses hybrid andmulti-cloud deployments, architecture patterns, and network topologies. Thispart explores common network topologies that you can use for hybrid andmulti-cloud setups. The article describes which scenarios and architecturalpatterns these topologies are best suited for, and provides best practices forimplementing them by using Google Cloud.

Connecting private computing environments to Google Cloud in a secure andreliable manner is key to any successful hybrid or multi-cloud deployment. Thenetwork topology that you choose for a hybrid and multi-cloud setup needs tomeet the unique requirements of your enterprise workloads and suit thearchitecture patterns that you intend to apply. Although each topology mightneed tailoring, there are common topologies that can be used as a blueprint.

The database representation is 9.99 as an IEEE floating point (whichis common to MongoDB and Python as well as most other modernlanguages). The problem is that 9.99 cannot be represented exactlywith a double precision floating point - this is true in some versions ofPython as well:

While the initial set of supported plugins are all zonal-based, we designed this feature to adhere to the Kubernetes principle of portability across environments. Topology specification is generalized and uses a similar label-based specification like in Pod nodeSelectors and nodeAffinity. This mechanism allows you to define your own topology boundaries, such as racks in on-premise clusters, without requiring modifications to the scheduler to understand these custom topologies.

There are different types of topological errors and they can be grouped accordingto whether the vector feature types are polygons or polylines. Topological errorswith polygon features can include unclosed polygons, gaps between polygonborders or overlapping polygon borders. A common topological error withpolyline features is that they do not meet perfectly at a point (node). Thistype of error is called an undershoot if a gap exists between the lines, andan overshoot if a line ends beyond the line it should connect to (seeFig. 7.3).

Except for some special GIS data formats, topology is usually not enforced bydefault. Many common GIS, like QGIS, define topology as relationship rules andlet the user choose the rules, if any, to be implemented in a vector layer.

Another topological option allows you to prevent** polygon overlaps** duringdigitising (see Fig. 7.4 (2)). If you already have one polygon,it is possible with this option to digitise a second adjacent polygon so thatboth polygons overlap and QGIS then clips the second polygon to the commonboundary.

MySQL replication has been available for years, and even though a number of new clustering technologies showed up recently, replication is still very common among MySQL users. It is understandable as replication is a reliable way of moving your data between MySQL instances. Even if you use Galera or NDB cluster, you still may have to rely on MySQL replication to distribute your databases across WAN.

As you can imagine, replication topology changes and failover processes are common operations, albeit complex. In future posts, we will discuss rolling MySQL upgrades and migrations between different environments. As we mentioned earlier, even if you use Galera or NDB Cluster you may need to use replication to connect different datacenters or providers over a WAN, and eventually perform the standard planned failover process that we described above. be457b7860

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