Cultural Treasures


There are churches on every corner of Germany. Most of these churches are extravagant and beautiful. Germany is a very catholic region, therefore these churches are very traditional! 


I am normally terrible at trying new foods, however, when I knew I was coming to Germany, I prepared myself to try EVERYTHING! We had some amazing food and sometimes, some not-so-amazing food! :)


Germany is rich in history! Everywhere you go, there is something new to learn. I love history, so this entire trip was a big treat for me! 


I met some of the most incredible people while in Germany! I am very thankful to have had a welcoming and kind host family.  I am excited to stay in touch with them as I travel back to the USA! 


The first thing I noticed as I came to Germany, they have amazing landscapes. Everything is green and beautiful. They take great pride in how their cities look! 


German cemeteries are very similar to American ones as they can be above or underground. They choose between cremation and traditional burial. But, the one difference is  they go all out with decorations. I loved how beautiful the graves looked. I think if American cemeteries were less strict with their rules, ours could look similar. 


CASTLES ARE COMMON! I loved seeing the beautiful architecture and learning about the history! My host family was close friends with a lady who lived in a castle! I got to visot 10