
Luis F.C. Figueredo

Senior Research Scientist, Munich Inst. robotics and Machine Intelligence, Technical University of Munich 

Abdeldjallil Naceri 

Senior Research Scientist, Munich Inst. robotics and Machine Intelligence, Technical University of Munich 

Waldez Gomes

Postdoctoral Researcher, Univ. Paris-Saclay

Sylvain Calinon

Senior Research Scientist and leader of the Robot Learning and Interaction Group, Idiap Research Institute 

Ayse Kucukyilmaz

Assistant Professor of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Faculty of Science, University of Nottingham 

Praminda Caleb-Solly

Professor of Embodied Intelligence in the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham 

Hinrich Schütze

Chair for Computational Linguistics Co-director, Center for Information and Language Processing, University of Munich (LMU)

Emmanuel Senft

Research Scientist and leader of the Human-centered Robotics and AI cross-research Group, Idiap Research Institute

Sami Haddadin

Chair of Robotics and Systems Intelligence, Director of the Munich Institute of Robotics and Machine Intelligence (MIRMI), Technical University of Munich 


Dr Luis Figueredo

For further information, please contact the organizers or the corresponding organizers