Geovandro Pereira

Sr Staff Automotive Security Engineer at LG Electronics - Silicon Valley

e-mail: geovandro dot pereira at uwaterloo dot ca

Current Position

[Apr'24-current] Sr Staff Automotive Security Engineer at LG Electronics Silicon Valley Lab, Santa Clara, California.

Peer reviews

[2024] I'm in the program committee of SBSeg2024.  It will be hosted at ITA in Sao Jose dos Campos.
[2021] I'm in the program committee of LATINCRYPT conference.

Have reviewed papers for:

IEEE Transactions on Computers | Designs, Codes and Cryptography | Journal of Cryptographic Engineering | Eurocrypt | Asiacrypt | IEEE Security & Privacy | Journal of Grid Computing


[2008] Best undergrad work on Information Security by the computer engineering department at Poli-USP [press-release (in portuguese)]. "SMSCrypto: a cryptographic framework for secure transmission of SMS messages". 

[2003] 4th place (5 awarded) at the 11th Regional Mathematical Olympiad by Unesp Bauru (ORMUB), Brazil. I was mentored by Adevaldo Colonize.

Contribution to Cryptographic Standards

[IETF]  I have written an IETF informational draft for standardizing new Object Identifiers (OIDs) for post-quantum signature schemes in order to be used with X.509 digital certificates. [IETF draft].

[NIST]  I'm a collaborator of the SIKE Key Encapsulation Mechanism, which was submitted and selected for Round 3 of the NIST standardization process of post-quantum algorithms. [SIKE, NIST]. 

[ISO/IEC] Revised the standard draft for post-quantum cryptography (WG2 SD8).

Research Interests

My research has been directed to improve cryptographic primitives towards deployment on constrained devices. 

Briefly speaking, my interests include:

Research Highlights

     Press release by University of Waterloo on SIKE moving to the third round of NIST post-quantum standardization process. 

Remark: during the fourth Round of NIST, SIKE parameters were broken by a polynomial-time attack discovered by Wouter Castryck and Thomas Decru.

[1] Federal Register publication ("publicação do Diário Oficial da União") 
[2] Root CA certificate with an E-521 public key  
Brazilian root CA E-521 public key:9b 6a fd 5a 19 35 f1 95 72 8d d2 f2 e2 8d 15 bd 7c 00 61 0f 78 43 02 35 b0 0f 12 8e af 77 f0 7e b1 ce ba 7c e0 90 4c c4 e5 f8 90 40 1d c7 b2 23 15 ed 83 c1 28 f6 39 86 dc 18 84 ac ee c0 b0 e0 2c 01

Previous Positions

[Feb'19-Apr'24] Senior Software Engineer/Researcher at evolutionQ, Canada. Working on the design and implementation of quantum-resistant Information Technology systems. 

[Jul'22-Apr'24] Senior Research Associate at IQC / University of Waterloo, Canada. Working on the design and efficient implementation of post-quantum cryptography.

[Jul'21-Jul'22] Research Associate at IQC / University of Waterloo, Canada. 

[Jan'16-Jul'21] Postdoctoral fellow at IQC / University of Waterloo, Canada. Working on the design and efficient implementation of post-quantum cryptography. Special focus on isogeny-based systems such as SIDH / SIKE and post-quantum hashing. Supervisors: profs. David Jao and Michele Mosca.

[Sep-Dec'15] Postdoctoral fellow at University of Sao Paulo having worked on the design of a security framework for Software Defined Networking (SDN) over heterogeneous IoT devices. Supervisor: prof. Cíntia B. Margi

[2011-2015] PhD degree in Computer Engineering at USP. Improvements of both post-quantum multivariate quadratic and hash-based digital signatures towards deployment on a very constrained AVR microcontroller.  [PhD thesis]  [Source code]

[2009-2011] MSc degree in Computer Engineering at University of Sao Paulo. A new implementation-friendly family of BN elliptic curves was discovered. The new results set up speed records for the optimal ate pairing. Algorithms were made open-source via the BNPairings library.  [MSc. thesis]

[2004-2008] Computer Engineering BSc at the Escola Politécnica, USP. The final project of a crypto framework for secure transmission of SMS messages was awarded the best undergrad work in Information Security. [Press ReleaseMonograph: Sistema de SMS Seguro]. My BSc, MSc and PhD were supervised by prof. Paulo S. L. M. Barreto.

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