
Graduate Course

1.   Buildings, Radboud University Fall 2018. (co-lecturing, 3.5 hours per week).

Summary of the course: A crash course on Bruhat-Tits buildings

2.   Commutative Algebra and Algebraic Geometry, McMaster University, Winter 2015. (3 hours per week).

3.   Galois Theory, McMaster University, Fall 2014. (3 hours per week).

Undergraduate Course

Discrete Mathematics

1.   Discrete Mathematics BSC129 and Discrete Mathematics B BSC  136, Spring 2024. 

(10 hours per week).

Linear algebra

1.   Matrix Algebra, University of British Columbia, MATH 221, Winter 2017. 

(co-lecturing, 3 hours per week).

2.   (a) Engineering Mathematics II-B, McMaster University, MATH1ZC3, Winter 2016.

(co-lecturing, 3 hours per week).

(b) Linear algebra 1, McMaster University, MATH1B03, Fall 2015.

(3 hours per week).

(c) Linear Algebra II, McMaster University, MATH2R03, Summer 2014. 

(6 hours per week).

(d) Engineering Mathematics II-B, McMaster University, MATH1ZC3, Winter 2014.

(co-lecturing, 3 hours per week).


1.   Calculus for Engineers and Scientists, University of Calgary, MATH275, Fall 2016. 

(co-lecturing, 8 hours per week).