Executive Training

Financial Derivatives

Financial Derivatives for Lawyers

KPMG, Athens

Financial Derivatives: Seminars for Certifying Consultants & Market Makers

Athens Derivatives Exchange

Modern Advances in Smile-Consistent Option Pricing

In-House executive seminar for the Central Bank of Austria run by the Financial Options Research Centre, Warwick Business School

Options and Futures

National & Capodestrian University of Athens, TACIS PCP Program for the Rostovdon/Russia Exchange Executives


Investing in Commodities: Basics and Beyond

Research Centre of the University of Piraeus, Quant Congress Europe Post-Congress Seminar, London

Volatility Trading

Athens Derivatives Exchange

Risk Management

Measuring Market Risk with Value-at-Risk: Methods, Implementation and Validation

Research Centre of the University of Piraeus, Hellenic Association of Institutional Investors, KPMG, Athens

Value-at-Risk for Energy Products

Energy Forum Pre-Conference Seminar, Barcelona, & Energy RISK Pre-Congress Seminar, London