George Scorsis

on Business Leadership and Growth

A leader in his industry, George’s goal is to formulate strategies and execute them in a way that excites consumers and surpasses competitors. As such, his experience has been a guiding light in helping other entrepreneurs excel in their own endeavors.

From George’s experience, a combination of marketplace knowledge, resources and talent is the formula for successful company expansion?

George Scorsis says leaders understand how to “read” the marketplace and know a key to business growth is being able to anticipate customer needs and respond to them in a strategic, agile manner. George says there’s an element of risk involved, but that the reward will outweigh the risks in the end.

As for his most valuable lesson learned in leading for growth, George Scorsis says it was something he learned early on. In order to learn about a business from the ground up, you have to show the desire to learn. This requires to listen in on all of the executive meetings and make the necessary calls to network with the people who can help. Do everything that you can to become credible.