Geometry in Low dimensions 2022


日程・会場 (Schedule・ Ven 12月27日(火)午後 Dec. 27th (Tue.)

早稲田大学 西早稲田 53ー201

( No53, Room 201, Nishi-Waseda Campus, Waseda University.)

12月28日(水)Dec.28th (Wed.)

東工大 大岡山キャンパス 本館H213

( Main Building H213,Ookayama campus, Tokyo Institute of Technology)

プログラム (Program)


13:15 - 14:15:John Parker

Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates for SL(3,C) representations of surface groups

Let S be a closed, oriented surface without boundary of genus g at least 2. The Teichmueller space T(S) of S is the space of marked hyperbolic metrics on S, or equivalently the space of conjugacy classes of representations of pi_1(S) to PSL(2,R). Fenchel and Nielsen gave global geometrical coordinates on T(S). These coordinates have been generalised to representations to PSL(2,C) (Kourouniotis and Tan), SL(3,R) (Goldman) and SU(2,1) (Parker and Platis). In this talk I will describe a way of interpreting Fenchel-Nielsen coordinates algebraically, and then generalise them to SL(3,C) representations. Joint work with Rodrigo Davila.

14:30 - 15:30:Xiaobing Sheng

Quasi-isometry rigidity of Higman-Brown-Thompson groups T_n

15:45 - 16:45:正井 秀俊

A note on distances and horofunctions

17:00 - 18:00:廣瀬 進

擬アノソフ同相写像による写像類群の生成について (In Japanese)


10:30--11:00 北野 晃朗(30分)

Reidemeister Torsion and a character variety of 3-manifold

11:20--11:50 井上 歩(30分)

Alteration of Seifert surfaces

石川 昌治 (20分)さんの講演はキャンセルとなりました

13:30--14:30 金 英子(60分)


14:50--15:20 古宇田 悠哉(30分)

On the mapping class groups of Heegaard splittings under stabilizations

15:40--16:10 市 原 一裕(30分)

Chirally cosmetic surgeries on knots

16:30--17:00 山下 靖(30分)



The worshop will be held in Nishi Waseda campus on 27th and in Ookayama campus of Tokyo Institute of Technology on 28th. For those of you who plans to participate, please read the notes on anti-covid measurement and register through the form below. Details will be notified soon by emails.

Registration form


Anti-Covid Measurement

  • 感染状況によっては,直前でも中止の可能性がございます(前日までには確定致します).

The workshop may be cancelled according to the infection status, please check the website until the day before.

  • 風邪の所見,発熱がある場合,参加はご遠慮ください.場合によっては退出をお願いする可能性もございます.

Please refrain from participating when having symptoms of the cold and fever.

  • 常時マスクをご着用のうえ,参加者同士間隔を保つようお願いいたします.

Please wear masks as well as keep the social distance from each other.

  • 会場内では必要最低限の水分・エネルギー補給のみOKです.黙食・黙飲にご協力ください.

Energy supply are allowed, but please eat and drink silently in the venue.

  • 万が一,感染や濃厚接触などが発生した場合,追跡調査などをお願いする可能性がございます.その際,できうる範囲の対応は行いますが,責任は各自でお願いします.

In case corona infection or close contant occur, a follow up suvey will need to be conducted.

Coorperations from the participants will be required.