
Citrus plants and lines detection (RGB)

Download: Citrus / Corn

OSCO, L. P. ; ARRUDA, M. S. ; GONCALVES, D. N. ; DIAS, A. ; BATISTOTI, J. ; SOUZA, M. ; GOMES, F. D. G. ; RAMOS, A. P. M. ; JORGE, L. A. C. ; LIESENBERG, V. ; LI, J. ; MA, L. ; MARCATO JUNIOR, J. ; GONCALVES, W. N. . A CNN Approach to Simultaneously Count Plants and Detect Plantation-Rows from UAV Imagery. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, v. 174, p. 1-17, 2021. [view].

Citrus-trees detection (Multispectral)


OSCO, L. P.; ARRUDA, M. S. ; MARCATO JUNIOR, J.; DA SILVA, N. B. ; RAMOS, A. P. M.; MORYIA, E. A. S. ; IMAI, N. N.; PEREIRA, D. R.; CRESTE, J. E.; MATSUBARA, E. T.; LI, J.; GONÇALVES, W. N.. A convolutional neural network approach for counting and geolocating citrus-trees in UAV multispectral imagery. ISPRS JOURNAL OF PHOTOGRAMMETRY AND REMOTE SENSING, v. 160, p. 97-106, 2020. [view].

Tree species detection (v1)


SANTOS, A. ; MARCATO JUNIOR, J. ; ARAUJO, M. S. ; MARTINI, D. R. ; TETILA, E. C. ; SIQUEIRA, H. L. ; AOKI, C. ; ELTNER, A. ; MATSUBARA, E. T. ; PISTORI, H. ; FEITOSA, R. ; LIESENBERG, V. ; GONCALVES, W. N. . Assessment of CNN-Based Methods for Individual Tree Detection on Images Captured by RGB Cameras Attached to UAVs. SENSORS, v. 19, p. 3595, 2019 [view].

Tree species segmentation


Lobo Torres, D.; Queiroz Feitosa, R.; Nigri Happ, P.; Elena Cué La Rosa, L.; Marcato Junior, J.; Martins, J.; Olã Bressan, P.; Gonçalves, W.N.; Liesenberg, V. Applying Fully Convolutional Architectures for Semantic Segmentation of a Single Tree Species in Urban Environment on High Resolution UAV Optical Imagery. Sensors 2020, 20, 563. [view] [code].

Storm-drain and manhole detection

Data set 1 (76-12-12) [Download]

Data set 2 (66-15-19) [Download]

Santos, A.; Marcato Junior, J.; de Andrade Silva, J.; Pereira, R.; Matos, D.; Menezes, G.; Higa, L.; Eltner, A.; Ramos, A.P.; Osco, L.; Gonçalves, W. Storm-Drain and Manhole Detection Using the RetinaNet Method. Sensors. v. 20, p. 4450, 2020 [view].

Apple detection


Biffi, L.J.; Mitishita, E.; Liesenberg, V.; Santos, A.A.d.; Gonçalves, D.N.; Estrabis, N.V.; Silva, J.d.A.; Osco, L.P.; Ramos, A.P.M.; Centeno, J.A.S.; Schimalski, M.B.; Rufato, L.; Neto, S.L.R.; Marcato Junior, J.; Gonçalves, W.N. ATSS Deep Learning-Based Approach to Detect Apple Fruits. Remote Sens. 2021, 13, 54. [view]

Water segmentation


ELTNER, ANETTE ; BRESSAN, PATRIK OLÃ ; AKIYAMA, THALES ; GONÇALVES, WESLEY NUNES ; JUNIOR, JOSÉ MARCATO . Using deep learning for automatic water stage measurements. WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH, v. 57, p. 1-17, 2021. [view]

Active fire detection (CBERS 4A - RGB)


Higa, L. ; et al.. Remote Sensing, Accepted. 2022. [view].

Tree branch detection


Silva, R. ; et al.. JAG, Under review (major revision). 2022. [view].