
What is the ePortfolio?

This ePortfolio will be a place for you to showcase yourself, your growth, and your learning in this class. Please make it a place that you get excited about building and designing. While this is obviously going to start out as your project for this class, my desire is that it becomes a place for you continually add to and show off all of your amazing work to future teachers, school admissions, employers, etc...

The first thing you will be creating is your ePortfolio shell. Go to the instructions on Canvas to get started.

Examples from previous students

One challenge that many students have is understanding what an ePortfolio really is and what is expected. This is most likely a really new process for many of you so this is only natural. Below, you will see a variety of student ePortfolios that I have collected (with their permission) to show you what others have done. Some of these examples are better than others so I recommend taking a look at many different ones. Obviously there will be differences with yours, but it gives you ideas.


ePortfolio Checklist

I have created a checklist that you can use to track your progress on your ePortfolio, particularly as we count down to the end.  You can click the "Copy Checklist" button below which will create a copy in your google drive and you can actually check the boxes. Or, you can print it out if you want to use it as a paper document. 

Geol 233 F23 Checklist