Physical Geology


I am excited that you are here and that we get to learn more about our beautiful planet together. Every time I teach this class I learn more about how amazing and interconnected our planet is and I am looking forward to learning even more with you. I hope that you walk away from this class with a new understanding of the rocks under your feet and how they play a role in our every day lives.

Week 1 Success Kit

The beginning of any semester can often feel overwhelming as you get started with multiple new classes and teachers. I am going to front load the work for this class so that the beginning of this course will feel heavy but if you keep up with everything, then end of the semester will lighten in this class so that when other courses start ramping up you can put more time into them.

Read this page carefully and you'll have have everything you need in order to get started on the right foot and make a strong start to this course.

Materials you will need to get started

  • Access to your VVC Email

  • Access to your Canvas course management system

  • Access to a computer that is running Microsoft Windows, Mac OS, or Linux and is connected to the internet. The best case scenario is that you have a personal laptop that you can bring to each class.

  • A notebook and pen for class use.

Work for Week 1

  • Set up Canvas

    • Please go to the Welcome section module and work through the profile set up.

    • I will also be using the Canvas announcements extensively, so please make sure you have forwarded the announcements to your phone or email as requested.

  • Pre-Course Survey

  • Profile setup

  • ePortfolio setup

  • Initial Reflection

Advice for success

Commit yourself to logging in regularly to our course. Make a plan that each Monday morning (or whatever works for your schedule) becomes your day to login and see what is planned for the week:

  • Review all weekly instructions

  • Write the week's due dates in whatever type of calendar works for you

  • Assess the workload

  • Schedule in time each week for your ePortfolio

This class will have some weekly work but a lot of it is project based which means that you are going to have plan ahead. Consider your personal schedule and plan when you will be available to work on course work. You need to have a mental picture of what's ahead so that you can prepare yourself for the upcoming week, month, and course in general.