Invited lectures and workshops

2019 Salzburg, Austria

Redefining 'what is special about spatial?' - Spatiality in the Age of Data Science

Opening Keynote at the joint 31st AGIT Symposium, 39th Annual EARSeL (European Association of Remote Sensing Laboratories) Symposium and 11th GI_Forum International Conference, Paris Lourdon University

2019 Leuven, Belgium

Making the link between work processes and the automation of geospatial processing

Earth Observation Summit, Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union and 111th Open Geospatial Technical Committee Meeting

2019 Karlsruhe, Germany

OR4OSGEO: Operations research for Open Source GIS

Department of Operations Research and Logistics, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

2019 Heidelberg, Germany

International Conference on Climate Action, ICCA 2019

2019 Heidelberg, Germany

The Geography of Suburban Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg

2018 Heidelberg, Germany

Of Filters and Weights: requirements for a FOSS SDSS

Institute of Geography, University of Heidelberg

2018 Salt Lake City, Utah

Pushing the Envelope for a Geographic Thought and Theory Course

Department of Geography, University of Utah

2018 Salzburg, Austria

The Role of Suburbia in the Production of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Department of GeoInformatics, Paris Lourdon University

2018 Villach, Austria

The Role of Suburbia in the Production of Global Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Department of Geoinformation and Environmental Technology, Technical University of Carinthia

2018 Salzburg, Austria

Open Source Foundations of Spatial Decision Support Systems

Keynote at the GI_Forum International Conference, Paris Lourdon University

2017 Borough of Manhattan College, CUNY

Hidden Spatiality in Everybody's Big Data

Invited presentation at workshop on Geography & Spatial Thinking across the Curriculum (GeoSTaC):

Why Place and Geography Matter. 10/27/2017

2015 New York, NY

A Community Based Approach to Understanding and Addressing Structural Poverty

McSilver Symposium, New York University

2015 New York, NY

Homelessness and Place

Department of Homeless Services, City Hall

2014 New York, NY

Place Matters: new social indicators

Meeting of New York City Health and Human Services Commissioners

2014 New York, NY

The importance of acknowledging the role of ‘spatial’ in data for sustainable development indicators

UN SG's Independent Expert Advisory Group on Data Revolution for Sustainable Development (IEAG)

2014 New York, NY

GIS in Support of the Pan African Tsetse and Trypanosomiasis Eradication Campaign

PATTEC /TVRC Foundation, African Union

2014 New York, NY

Community Loss Index: a new social indicator

Silberman School of Social Work, CUNY

2013 Chicago, IL

Expert contribution to a workshop on Big Data and Urban Informatics

NSF-sponsored workshop organized at University of Illinois, Chicago

2012 Hamburg, Germany

Quantitative Geography – a perspective from across the pond.

Keynote given at the AK Quantitative Geografie

2011 Santa Barbara, CA

Expert contribution to a workshop on Formalization of GIS Functions

NSF-sponsored workshop organized at University of California, Santa Barbara

2010 and 2009 Santa Barbara, CA

Expert contribution to a workshop on Ecosystem services on an urbanizing planet: What 2 billion new urbanites means for air and water

The National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis at UCSB

2008 Osnabrück, Germany

From VGIS to Standardized Geo-spatial Process Models.

Festschrift for Prof. Manfred Ehlers.

2003 Istanbul, Turkey

Deconstructing Hate Crime.

Invited workshop given at the European Forensic Science Conference.

2001 Milwaukee, WI

The Future of Digital Earth – framework for a spatial publishing and discovery infrastructure.

Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) National Forum ‘IT in the Transformation of the Library’

2000 Christchurch, NZ

Formalising Spatial Information.

Department of Computer Science, Canterbury University

1999 Christchurch and Dunedin, New Zealand

Geography New Zealand, Inc. or the Professionalisation of the New Zealand Geographical Society.

Geography Departments, University of Canterbury and Otago University.

1995 Berlin, Germany

Universal GIS Operations.

Mathematics Department of the Free University of Berlin, Germany.