This tool permits the user to convert latitude and longitude between decimal degrees and degrees, minutes, and seconds. For convenience, a link is included to the National Geodetic Survey's NADCON program, which allows conversions between the NAD83 / WGS84 coordinate system and the older NAD27 coordinate system. NAD27 coordinates are presently used for broadcast authorizations and applications.

This tool is all about GPS coordinates conversion. As soon as you modify one end of the data (either the decimal or sexagesimal degrees coordinates), the other end is simultaneously updated by the coordinates converter, as well as the position on the map.

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You can also start to convert latitude and longitude by clicking on the map, which will pre-fill the fields with the GPS coordinates of the location you clicked on. In any case, the address will not be geocoded automatically. If you want to convert the GPS coordinates into an address, you have to click on the button "Get Address" below the decimal coordinates. Click on my location if you need your current location coordinates.

In geodesy, conversion among different geographic coordinate systems is made necessary by the different geographic coordinate systems in use across the world and over time. Coordinate conversion is composed of a number of different types of conversion: format change of geographic coordinates, conversion of coordinate systems, or transformation to different geodetic datums. Geographic coordinate conversion has applications in cartography, surveying, navigation and geographic information systems.

In geodesy, geographic coordinate conversion is defined as translation among different coordinate formats or map projections all referenced to the same geodetic datum.[1] A geographic coordinate transformation is a translation among different geodetic datums. Both geographic coordinate conversion and transformation will be considered in this article.

Informally, specifying a geographic location usually means giving the location's latitude and longitude. The numerical values for latitude and longitude can occur in a number of different units or formats:[2]

A coordinate system conversion is a conversion from one coordinate system to another, with both coordinate systems based on the same geodetic datum. Common conversion tasks include conversion between geodetic and earth-centered, earth-fixed (ECEF) coordinates and conversion from one type of map projection to another.

Conversion of coordinates and map positions among different map projections reference to the same datum may be accomplished either through direct translation formulas from one projection to another, or by first converting from a projection A {\displaystyle A} to an intermediate coordinate system, such as ECEF, then converting from ECEF to projection B {\displaystyle B} . The formulas involved can be complex and in some cases, such as in the ECEF to geodetic conversion above, the conversion has no closed-form solution and approximate methods must be used. References such as the DMA Technical Manual 8358.1[15] and the USGS paper Map Projections: A Working Manual[16] contain formulas for conversion of map projections. It is common to use computer programs to perform coordinate conversion tasks, such as with the DoD and NGA supported GEOTRANS program.[17]

Transformations among datums can be accomplished in a number of ways. There are transformations that directly convert geodetic coordinates from one datum to another. There are more indirect transforms that convert from geodetic coordinates to ECEF coordinates, transform the ECEF coordinates from one datum to another, then transform ECEF coordinates of the new datum back to geodetic coordinates. There are also grid-based transformations that directly transform from one (datum, map projection) pair to another (datum, map projection) pair.

Use of the Helmert transform in the transformation from geodetic coordinates of datum A {\displaystyle A} to geodetic coordinates of datum B {\displaystyle B} occurs in the context of a three-step process:[18]

The Molodensky transformation converts directly between geodetic coordinate systems of different datums without the intermediate step of converting to geocentric coordinates (ECEF).[24] It requires the three shifts between the datum centers and the differences between the reference ellipsoid semi-major axes and flattening parameters.

Grid-based transformations directly convert map coordinates from one (map-projection, geodetic datum) pair to map coordinates of another (map-projection, geodetic datum) pair. An example is the NADCON method for transforming from the North American Datum (NAD) 1927 to the NAD 1983 datum.[26] The High Accuracy Reference Network (HARN), a high accuracy version of the NADCON transforms, have an accuracy of approximately 5 centimeters. The National Transformation version 2 (NTv2) is a Canadian version of NADCON for transforming between NAD 1927 and NAD 1983. HARNs are also known as NAD 83/91 and High Precision Grid Networks (HPGN).[27] Subsequently, Australia and New Zealand adopted the NTv2 format to create grid-based methods for transforming among their own local datums.

Like the multiple regression equation transform, grid-based methods use a low-order interpolation method for converting map coordinates, but in two dimensions instead of three. The NOAA provides a software tool (as part of the NGS Geodetic Toolkit) for performing NADCON transformations.[28][29]

Datum transformations through the use of empirical multiple regression methods were created to achieve higher accuracy results over small geographic regions than the standard Molodensky transformations. MRE transforms are used to transform local datums over continent-sized or smaller regions to global datums, such as WGS 84.[30] The standard NIMA TM 8350.2, Appendix D,[31] lists MRE transforms from several local datums to WGS 84, with accuracies of about 2 meters.[32]

with similar equations for   {\displaystyle \Delta \lambda } and  h {\displaystyle \Delta h} . Given a sufficient number of ( A , B ) {\displaystyle (A,\,B)} coordinate pairs for landmarks in both datums for good statistics, multiple regression methods are used to fit the parameters of these polynomials. The polynomials, along with the fitted coefficients, form the multiple regression equations.

The best opensource solution for converting coordinates from one projection to another is Proj4 originally written in c but ported to numerous programming languages. The port to c# that I have tried and used is DotSpatial Projections found on CodePlex. It is easy to find out how to use it based on the examples. The only thing you need to know are conversion parameters for your case.

CoordinateSharp is available on NuGet. It's light weight and makes coordinate conversions really. It's not designed for mapping, but strait up conversions (and location based celestial information) if that is a factor.

I have some global data (seismic data from earthquakes) that was provided as geocentric (cartesian) coordinates. Basically, the coordinates range from +1 to -1 for x, y and z axes. The center of the earth is at coordinates 0, 0, 0. I need to convert these to latitude, longitude and elevation (altitude). . I believe I have been able to convert the coordinates to latitude and longitude using the equations provided in this link and applying them in Field Calculator.

However, for the shallow points (with elevations near 0), the points cover the entire earth but for points at 2800km depth, the number of points are much less and do not cover the entire earth when mapped in a geographic or projected coordinate system. Therefore, I'm suspecting that my elevation (depth) calculations are not correct. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Melita. Thanks for your reply. I did try multiplying the XYZ by the radius before starting and got the same result. However, on further inspection, I am now thinking that my equations for calculating the "latitude" are not correct. They only appear to be working for the near surface points but not the points at greater depths. What I've found is that, when I plot all the samples in 3D, as I look at the samples at greater depths, the extent of the points in the latitude direction decreases. Basically, as the depth increases, the extent of the points or latitudes are shrinking. For example, the points around 3578km depth that I expect to be near the north and south poles (latitudes +90 and -90) appear at +35 and -35 degrees. Could you suggest any equations for correctly calculating the latitudes from the geocentric Cartesian coordinates?

Good morning everyone! I would like to ask if there is a way to define my coordinates, taking into account that I don't know their coordinates system. Is there a way to determine it? All I have is an xls file. Thank you very much for your collaboration!

If the lat-lon coordinates are coming out completely wrong, and not just off a few hundred meters, I suspect that it's to due with the south-orientated transverse Mercator. For instance, if you have Lo coordinates, using a negative scale factor in the projected CRS definition will flip them into the east-north system that ArcGIS supports from Lo's southing-westing. You might try negating the input x,y coordinates, then using Lo with a positive scale factor when unprojecting them.

I am using solely on arcgis javascript. The website that I am designing has to allow people to enter coordinates in Gauss Conform (Transverse Mercator south oriented) coordinate system and convert them to GCS haartebeesthoek 94.

So you have no experience working with projecting coordinates for your location in ArcGIS Desktop? Do you have a co-worker that does? The issue is you likely need a transformation applied and I can not guide you there as I am not familiar with your location and projections and transformations need for your location.

With ArcGIS Desktop I constantly do transformations due to the fact that I sometimes deal with survey data which uses a coordinate system that is local to South Africa, thus converting it to geographic coordinates of WGS84 is often done. e24fc04721

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