Program Themes

Track 1. Centralization and decentralization trends. Difficult paths of democracy

· Territorial-administrative reforms and their outcomes

· Changing relations between central government and local and regional authorities

· New forms of local democracy – public participation and citizens’ involvement

Track 2. Governance and planning

· Role of planning in shaping new spaces of territorial governance

· Planning visions and political agenda in local, regional and national governments

· Interplay between formal and informal planning institutions, procedures and documents

Track 3. Local governance and climate change

· Climate change adaptation and mitigation in local and regional policies

· Emerging governance networks in managing climate change

· The concept of urban resilience in local development strategies

Track 4. Impacts and challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic on local government

· Local government during a pandemic - reactions and actions

· Responses of local government to the pandemic threats and outcomes

· Reshaping of organization of public services in the pandemic time

Track 5. Uncertainty and complexity in territorial governance

· Long-term foresight and future scenarios for strategic development of territorial units

· Innovative institutional arrangements for complex challenges of local governance

· The financial situation of local and regional governments – trends and projections

© IGU Commission on Geography of Governance, 2020