Sep 2021 Meeting

List of Speakers

Yimu Bao (UC Berkeley)

Greg Bentsen (Brandeis)

Masamichi Miyaji (UC Berkeley)

Sepehr Nezami (Caltech)

Xiaoliang Qi (Stanford)

Thomas Schuster (UC Berkeley)

Vincent Su (UC Berkeley)


375 Physics North, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 (Map)

zoom link for live streaming the talks:

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Please bring or grab your own food at lunch time. Typical places for lunch are Yali's Qualcomm Café, the faculty club or restaurants at Euclid Ave. In case you want to skip lines, a few restaurants at Euclid accept orders from cellphone apps such as Snackpass.


10:00-10:40 am Thomas Schuster:

"Operator size and error propagation: the Loschmidt echo in many-body quantum systems"

10:40-11:20 am Masamichi Miyaji:

"Pseudo Entropy, Entanglement Wedge, and Cosmological Islands"

11:20-11:40 am Break

11:40-12:20 pm Greg Bentsen:

"Protecting Quantum Information using Long-Range Interactions"

12:20-1:00 pm Xiaoliang Qi:

"Holevo Information and Ensemble Gravity"

1:00-2:30 pm Lunch

2:30-3:10 pm Sepehr Nezami:

"Quantum Gravity in the Lab"

Abstract: With the long-term goal of studying models of quantum gravity in the lab, we propose holographic teleportation protocols that can be readily executed in table-top experiments. These protocols exhibit similar behavior to that seen in the recent traversable wormhole constructions: information that is scrambled into one half of an entangled system will, following a weak coupling between the two halves, unscramble into the other half. We introduce the concept of teleportation by size to capture how the physics of operator-size growth naturally leads to information transmission. The transmission of a signal through a semi-classical holographic wormhole corresponds to a rather special property of the operator-size distribution we call size winding. For more general systems (which may not have a clean emergent geometry), we argue that imperfect size winding is a generalization of the traversable wormhole phenomenon. In addition, a form of signalling continues to function at high temperature and at large times for generic chaotic systems, even though it does not correspond to a signal going through a geometrical wormhole, but rather to an interference effect involving macroscopically different emergent geometries. Finally, we outline implementations feasible with current technology in two experimental platforms: Rydberg atom arrays and trapped ions.

3:10-3:50 pm Vincent Su:

“Towards Quantum Gravity in the Lab on Quantum Processors”

Abstract: In this work, I will present some experimental results of the wormhole-inspired teleportation protocol on 7 qubits. For time evolution, we consider the self-dual kicked Ising model, which is particularly suitable for near term quantum devices. Our experiments are carried out with access to cloud platforms - that is, without physical access to the quantum hardware.

3:50-4:10 pm Break

4:10-4:50 pm Yimu Bao: