My Photos

My name is Geoff Mallin

 I am a member of Hanham Photographic Society

I've been taking photographs since my wife gave me a Pentax ME Super camera  for my birthday back around 1980 but my real interest kicked off when I became the proud owner of a 3 megapixel Casio camera (same camera as Canon G1) and purchased a copy of Corel Photo Paint. I had until then been mainly a slide producer and had tryed my hand at Cibachrome printing, a very expensive hobby with all the failures. I always knew what I wanted to produce and with the arrival of digital photography I could see what was happening as I went along, "fantastic".

My Photography is quite  varied, I like to try as many types of photography as possible, hence the varying groups of images on this site.

The vast majority of my work is produced as prints as I think that seeing an image on paper gives me the most satisfaction and if it's not right there is no one to blame but myself, I can't blame somebodies poorly calibrated screen or projector.

All images on this site are the copy right of Geoffrey Mallin