Join our  NSF-Funded Geotechnical Engineering Research 2023 Summer Workshop for Teachers

WHO: Mid & High school students interested in learning about Geotechnical Engineering (see "Why Should You Apply?" Section Below)

WHAT: Week-long (4 weekdays) summer workshop, where students will commute to campus and participate in research by faculty and students at Jackson State University 

WHEN: May 28, 2024 to May 31, 2024, 9 AM - 4 PM, Lunch provided

WHERE: Jackson State University, School of Engineering Building, 1400 John R. Lynch St., Jackson, MS 39217 Building 37 in the following link:

APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, May 15, 2024

Contact: Dr. Khan at  or 601-979-6373

Why Should You Apply? 

Are you interested in learning how floods, hurricanes, and torrential rains affect our roads, highways, levees, and dams? 

Do you want to take part in reducing the carbon footprint that contributes to climate change/global warming? 

Do you like to play in sand, silt, clay, rocks, mud, or grass? 

If you answered, "yes," to any of the questions above, you may be interested in our week-long Geotechnical Engineering Research 2024 Summer Workshop for students

Selected students will participate in research on the climatic stressors in slope instability and climate adaptive bio-inspired slope repair techniques. This means that we will teach you everything you need to know to successfully complete the geotechnical engineering research.  Students will receive a stipend following the program successful completion. 

Unsure of what slope instability means? No problem, we will be here to guide you through all of your questions, concerns, and interests. We hope that this research experience will inspire you to ask more questions, particularly when the answers can be multi-pronged.

Geotechnical Engineers are a specific type of Civil Engineers who study the engineering behavior of earth materials (silt, clay, sand, rocks, etc.) as it relates to the design and construction of infrastructure that society uses everyday. Civil Engineering is one of the oldest types of engineering. Since the beginning of civilization, Civil Engineers have needed to build roads, buildings, bridges, railroads, canals, highways, etc.