News & Events

October 17, 2023 

We'd like to share a few updates with you all. Caludia Borries (DRL, Germany) stepped down in July from her role as Co-Chair after serving for two years. David Themens (University of Birmingham, UK) was elected as the new Co-Chair during the GeoDAWG business meeting at IUGG in July. Please join me in thanking Claudia for her service and welcoming David into his new role.  The GeDAWG update meeting was held on October 17 (Tuesday) and went over recent developments and discussed the findings from the 2023 GeoDAWG workshop

January 29, 2023

Please consider participating in the IAGA GeoDAWG workshop "Current Challenges in Data Assimilation for Geospace Systems" held in Neustrelitz, Germany, July 20-22, 2023. Here is the registration site: 

Here are important dates:

The GeoDAWG workshop registration deadline - July 3, 2023 

The Neustrelitz hotel early booking deadline - March 31, 2023

November 16, 2022 

We’re excited to announce that our first GeoDAWG workshop titled "Current Challenges in Data Assimilation for Geospace Systems" will be held in Neustrelitz, Germany, July 20-21, 2023.

The workshop is planned to follow the IUGG General Assembly’s JA02 Inter-Association Symposia on Data Assimilation and Statistical Learning in Earth and Space Sciences in Berlin, Germany, in July. The workshop will be co-sponsored by the German Aerospace Center - DLR Neustrelitz, located about one hour by train from Berlin. The registration site will become available by the end of year and will include program and logistical details. 

To help us gauge your interest in the workshop, please answer this survey by December 9.

July 29, 2022 

After setting GeoDAWG off to a good start, Larry Kepko (NASA) is stepping down from the Chair role and handing it over to Tomoko Matsuo (CU Boulder). We will kick off the second year of the GeoDAWG virtual seminar series with Enrico Camporeal on September 6th at 11am US Eastern time.

September 20, 2021 

We are happy to announce the start of our monthly seminar series. Our first speaker will be Tomoko Matsuo, discussing the Assimilative Mapping of Geospace Observations (AMGeO) model, on October 12th at 11 am US Eastern time.

April 15, 2021 

Despite the challenge of the virtual environment, and some MS Teams technical difficulties, GeoDAWG held a successful virtual kickoff meeting. We briefly discussed the goals and objectives of the working group, and each attendee had an opportunity to briefly introduce their interest in data assimilative modeling to the rest of the group. We had a diverse representation from magnetospheric, to ITM, and even some solar wind!

We have placed all talks received at the following link.